Chapter Three: Solitude

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Oh my universe, I feel terrible.

Such a long wait! I am a HORRIBLE PERSON...regardless, I suppose you deserve an excuse.

School is a bitch.

My other account is currently taking away my time, because my attention has been caught by Black Butler, and soon my little phase will end, and it'll be back to all POTC, all da time! (Of course I haven't moved on. I catch myself staring at Jack's beautiful face all the time)

My mother is kinda, um, not-understanding of my need to read and write. My excessive amount of books HERE means I'm on my iPod all the time, and she thinks it is unhealthy. Well, it'll take some serious restraining for her to keep me away from you all! I love you guys :)

Also, I am STILL stuck with writer's block. I mean, it's odd...I know what's gonna happen. I know Point A, and Point B. I just don't know HOW to get there.

Again, plz go and follow my other account! Ginger Bitch and I will appreciate it! @CielestePhantomhive

Without further ado, let us continue...

*Jack shall return next chapter! So excited, I'm gonna die


We were sailing peacefully, silently over the blue waves, when Will found me in the crow's nest.

"You spend a great deal of time up here," He commented softly, wedging himself in beside me.

I shrugged. "Helps me forget. The cold. The view."

He peered over the edge of the small encasement, nodding. "Yes," He agreed. Then he settled back down beside me.

I paused before asking. "You and Elizabeth."

He stiffened. I kept going.

"...are you two alright?" I asked, feeling protective of my companion. "If she has hurt you, I will show her how my sword tastes."

He smiled, though I could see the pain in his eyes. "We're just taking a break," He said, clearly not wanting to discuss it. His eyes were cast down, almost in pity.

I was tired of the pity. "You know, I am having no suicidal thoughts. Or ideas, and I am completely fine."

His cheeks flushed. "I'm glad," He said quickly.

"And I'm somewhat happy," I whispered. "I'll see him soon, right?"

He didn't answer.

I laughed bitterly. "I can read you like a book, William." I turned to look at him. "You wish I'd never become involved with him, don't you?"

He raised his eyes to meet mine. "To some degree." He replied flatly. "But you love him, and..." He looked as if he were in physical pain, "He apparently loves you, however hard that is to believe." He paused. "But he's caused you so much pain...And he's quite a bit older than you."

He rushed the last part, his cheeks red, and then breathed deeply; he was glad to have that opinion off his chest.

I half smiled. "All good points. But you can't control me, Will, just as I can't control you."

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