Chapter Fourteen: Meeting

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There was a thud as Barboussa let a cannon ball thump the table, in place of a gavel. "As he who issues summons, I convene this the Fourth Brethren Court." He looked proudly at the gathering of pirates from under the brim of his impressive hat. "T' confirm yer lordship and right t' be heard, present now your Nine Pieces of Eight, my fellow cap'ns." He sounded more hostile than friendly.

Fellow? Hardly. I thought, hiding in the shadows. I was watching, waiting for the moment to reveal myself and make an entrance. 

The Nine Pieces of Eight were not actual pieces of eight, as explained by Gibbs when Pintel and Ragetti inquired. Each Pirate Lord had a unique piece of 'junk' that was important to them or significant in some way. I already considered mine important. Thinking of the small jade necklace, I took it into my hand, along with my locket, containing Jack's bead and the last I had of my mother. My family and my title. Two things very important to me, hanging by my neck. 

I took note of each Piece of Eight, amused by the simpleness of each one. 

Captain Ammand the Corsair, a tall and well dressed man, presented a small pewter goblet. He was Pirate Lord over the Black Sea.

The 'Penniless Frenchman' as he called himself later, Capitaine Chevalle, tossed a Queen of Spades into the bowl. He held ownership of the Mediterranean.

The blind Mistress Ching gave a pair of spectacles. I wondered whether she had used them before losing her sight completely. The Pacific was her domain. 

Gentleman Jocard, formerly Gombo, as Jack had informed me, dropped a pair of tobacco clippers into the growing pile. Jack had assisted Gombo in escaping slavery before he became Captain of another crew, and adopted the name Jocard. I was wary of him; Jack had also informed me that Jocard had cut out the tongue of his former master with his Piece of Eight. He lorded over the Atlantic.

Barboussa had mentioned in passing to me the uncharacteristic voice of Sumbhajee Angria. I wondered if I would hear it during the meeting as he presented a small snuff box, declaring his title of Pirate Lord of the Indian Ocean and Terror of the Arabian Sea.

Enduardo Villanueva gave a broken bottle neck, the cork still in the mouth, on a string. I was truly curious about that one. He ruled the Adriatic Sea.

Hector Barboussa, Pirate Lord of the Caspian Sea, turned and held out his hand expectantly for Ragetti, raising his eyebrows, looking intimidating. 

"I kept it safe for you! Jus' like I promised!" He stuttered, grinning weakly, touching his wooden eye protectively. 

The wooden eye is Barboussa's Piece of Eight? I nearly laughed.

"Aye, ye have," Barboussa smiled. "But now I need it back." His pleasant expression turned to a scowl and he hit the back of Ragetti's head. The wooden eye popped out, into the bowl. 

Villanueva spoke up, his eyes on Jack, who had hung near the back, observing the swords impaled in the globe with mild amusement. I assumed each blade pierced the part of the ocean the owner of the sword controlled. "Sparrow!" He barked. 

Captain Jack Sparrow, Pirate Lord of the Caribbean, turned with an innocent expression. He let his hand drift toward the Siamese coin, tied to his hair with several Moroccan beads. "Might I point out that we are still short one Pirate Lord, and I am content as a cucumber to wait until Sao Feng joins us." He said. I wondered with a small smile if he was worried for me, or believed I had killed him. 

I chose then to walk to the table, motioning for my crew to follow. "Pirate Lord of the South China Sea has arrived!" I announced, stabbing the globe and walking to the table, dropping my necklace into the bowl. I grinned at the assembly, all of which stared at me in shock. Mistress Ching tilted her head, a small smile gracing her lips. I had amused her. 

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