Chapter Four: Insane

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Jack raised his gun, smirked, and fired at Hungry Jack. The bullet imbedded itself in his chest and his eyes went wide; Hungry Jack dropped the fork and fell over backwards in his chair.

Jack sauntered forward, and picked up the peanut. He paused and looked over the table at the motionless clone. "My peanut," He stated, the popped it into his mouth.

Jack turned, and bellowed an order to another replica. "All hands! Slackened braces!"

The other Jack responded with an, "Aye, sir! Slackened braces!" And went off to help.

In fact, Jack was on the Pearl, accompanied by no less than seventy five Jacks.

"Step lively!"

"With a will!" They encouraged one another, striving to please their captain.

Jack swaggered along the deck, observing the behaviors of his clones.

Scared Jack was on the floor, staring into the sky, the other dread-locked pirates stepping over him as they continued their duties. His shirt was untucked and he looked rather sloppy. Jack turned away, but when he looked back, Scared Jack was doing a credible impression of a chicken.

Dull Jack was trying to tie knots on one side of the Pearl. He was failing miserably.

Lustful Jack was trying to get a goat's attention; looking stiff with his waistcoat buttoned up all the way. He scooted closer and closer, but the goat appeared indifferent. Jack rolled his eyes. He didn't recall ever actually ever sucking up to an animal.

Compassionate Jack was tying a tech line; shirtless under the hot sun. Jack strutted up to him, somehow irritated by the identical man's presence.

"Mr. Sparrow!" He called, swaying as he stood before him.

"Aye, sir?" Compassionate Jack paused in his grueling task to listen to his captain.

"What say you about the condition of this tech line?" Jack asked bluntly, an eyebrow raised. The rest of the crew began to gather around the two, sensing that a showdown was about to take place.

Compassionate Jack swallowed nervously. "It be proper to my eyes, sir." He said.

"Proper?" Jack sneered. "Proper? It is neither proper nor suitable, it is neither acceptable nor adequate, it is, an obvious fact, an abomination." He undid the knots as he spoke, then shoved the ropes back into Compassionate Jack's arms.

The clone diverted his eyes. "Beggin' your pardon, sir, but maybe if you gave a man another chance?" He began to hurriedly start over on the knots.

"Shall I?" Jack asked no one in particular, his eyes flashing.

He suddenly drew his sword, and ran Compassionate Jack through on the spot. The real Jack felt something within him twinge, but he paid no mind.

The twin choked and fell forward in surprise and pain. He toppled onto Jack, who hissed into his ear bitterly, "That's the type of thinking that got us into this mess..."

He drew away, and Compassionate Jack fell over onto the floor. "We have lost speed, and therefore time, precious time, which cannot recovered once lost, do you understand?" He asked the crowd of spectators loudly, cleaning his sword off on the railing of the Pearl.

The thing was, there was no blood on the sword.

There were no Jack clones.

It was all a figment of Jack's frazzled mind, a result of his being in the locker.

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