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Next morning

Connor rushed out of his car into the hospital building; he panicked as he could not find Tate anywhere. His best friend Tate had called him, informing Connor that his wife was giving birth, and honestly, Connor could not help but feel happy for Tate.

Connor's excitement was cut short when he heard the panic in Tate's voice, which made him rush to the hospital, hoping that Tate's wife was okay and that nothing had happened to her.

I hope nothing has gone wrong with Tate's wife; please let nothing go wrong. Connor prayed inside his head as he searched for his best friend, who was nowhere in sight, and just when Connor was about to give up, he found Tate in the corner of the waiting room.

"Hey, Tate, how is Beth doing?" Connor asked Tate, and just when he could have thought the worst, Tate smiled at Connor and hugged him.

"Hey Connor, don't worry; Beth and the babies are doing just fine," Tate informed Connor, who raised his eyebrows, confused by what Tate said.

"What do you mean, babies? Why use plurals?" Connor asked his best friend, who was excited that his wife had just given birth.

"Didn't I tell you that we were having twins?" Tate asked Connor, who was taken aback by his best friend's admission.

"No, I clearly remember you telling me that you and Beth were having your first child together, and child, my friend, means one," Connor corrected his friend, as he did not know what to feel about this new information presented to him.

"Well, my apologies, old friend; it's just that yesterday's event shook me to the core," Tate apologized, and Connor accepted his friend's apology. He understood where Tate was coming from.

Connor clearly remembered the events of the previous day. As soon as they arrived at the bar to have some drinks, Beth called and said that she was in labor. Of course, Connor was thrilled that his friend was about to become a father, but as Tate left him at the bar, Connor could not help but think that that could have been him.

Connor had usually imagined himself marrying Tate. Still, it turns out the roles have been exchanged: Tate is the happily married one with children, and Connor is the lonely, sad, and depressive one with more gold diggers trying to get him married to them.

"Well, congratulations to you and Beth then." Connor stretched out his hand and congratulated his best friend, and Tate took it. Connor had never seen his best friend so happy before, and he wondered if there was ever a time when he, too, would be married with his own children.

"I think it is best if we go in to see Beth and the babies," Tate offered, and Connor froze.

"No, I don't think I should go in. This is a family moment," Connor told Tate.

"Well, you are my best friend and my family, and I think it is best that you come in and see your godchildren," Tate informed Connor, which caught him by surprise.

"Wait, you're making me your children's godfather?" Connor asked, surprised that his best friend would grant him the honor.

"Of course you are; if I don't make you the godfather, Beth will kill me." Tate laughed at the thought.

"Nah, Beth's not that kind of girl," Connor said.

"Connor, let me remind you that she got me to marry her and commit; I am Tate, the biggest player, and a bachelor in university. So you can bet your money on how dangerous she is," Tate joked, which had both men laughing loudly.

Now that Connor thought about it, Tate was right. Beth had managed to do the impossible and get Tate to change and become a family man. He had known Tate since the pair were young, and Tate had always vowed never to marry, and here he was, married with two children.

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