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Connor sat in the limousine with Aubrey and their son in silence. After a disastrous dinner at my parent's house, they were on their way home. After Aubrey had left the dinner table, Connor felt embarrassed for lying to his family and getting their hopes up about a non-existent wedding.

For some reason, the car ride back home felt longer than the actual journey to his parent's home, and the silence was far worse. All that added to the fact that CJ was asleep. They arrived back at Connor's home, and before the butler could unlock the door for them, Aubrey walked out of the limo, leaving their sleeping son and Connor in the limo.

Connor carried their sleeping son into his room and laid him down on his bed. He watched his innocent face and traced it with his fingers. His heart hurt every time he thought that he had lived all these years without knowing that he had such a handsome son. Connor wiped the tears from his eyes. He slowly got up from the bed and made his way to Aubrey's room.

He stood in front of Aubrey's room, and instead of knocking, he walked right in. Upon entering, Connor sucked in a breath at the image of Aubrey brushing her hair. He quickly remembered that he was still angry at her, and therefore he walked towards her.

"Can you please explain to me what the meaning of what you did at my parents' house was?" Connor asked Aubrey, and without a care in the world, she turned towards him and rolled her eyes at him. Aubrey placed her brush down, sat down on her hair, and smiled at him.

"Well, I simply placed your family where they belonged, and before you go on, I do not regret a thing that I said at that dinner table," Aubrey responded to Connor, and she meant every word of it.

"They were nothing but nice to you this entire evening, but no, you just had to ruin the night for everyone, didn't you?" Connor raised his voice at Aubrey, and once again she was not interested in what Connor had to say to her.

Aubrey slowly stood up from her chair and stared Connor in the eyes. Although he was a little taller than Aubrey, she showed no sign of fear, but her eyes held fury in them.

"Nice? When was the last time your family was ever nice to me, besides when they were pretending to be nice? Only if they knew the embarrassment, they put me through all those years ago!"

Connor ran his fingers through his hair, frustrated at the fact that the once beautiful, kind and loving woman in front of him had become the monster that was standing in front of him with blood-red eyes.

"Why can't you just forgive them, Aubrey?" "They are trying so damn hard to make you feel welcomed into the family, and all you could do was throw their kindness back in their face."

"Connor I can take a lot of things, but not two-faced people. I cannot believe you did not see it; they were all faking it, all of them!" Aubrey raised her voice at Connor. She felt choked by all the emotions that were lodged in her throat.

"I know that they were mean to you, but at least they are trying; maybe not the way you want them to, but they are trying to make up for the past."

"Well, they should try harder, and they should stop pretending like we are all one big happy family." "Get out; I have to undress," Aubrey warned Connor.

Instead of moving, Connor stood solid. His mind wanted him to move, but his body refused to do so, despite his repeated requests. Aubrey turned to face him, showing no signs of trying to conceal her irritation towards Connor.

"Connor, I said, "Get out." She yelled at him, but that did not seem to shake Connor.

"No," Connor responded to her.


"I said no, Aubrey. For too long I have been trying to get you to forgive me, trying to gain your trust and our son's, but so far, our son is the only one who has been giving me a chance. You have not bothered giving me a chance."

"As far as I'm concerned, I'll never forgive you, and you're going to do nothing about it," Aubrey responded to Connor, and then she stopped, as she was confused about where all the hate within her was coming from.

Connor walked up to Aubrey, sensing that she was challenging him and that he would not back down.

"Aubrey, do not dare challenge me," Connor warned her. She huffed at Connor and rested both her hands on her hips, challenging him further.

Without hesitation, Connor pressed his lips against hers, and Aubrey did not hesitate to kiss him back. Both their tongues fought for dominance as the two kissed each other passionately. Their bodies began heating up, and their clothes began to burn their flesh. Every warning and every bell rang in her ears, but she ignored them. Both Aubrey and Connor ripped off their clothes until there was nothing left.

That is, it, Aubrey—just the way you looked eight years ago.

Every hormone in her body demanded Connor charge at Aubrey and devour her every being as his manhood throbbed for Aubrey, wanting nothing but to enter inside her.
Without a care in the world, they pulled away the sheets and threw away the pillows, and he gave her ecstasy.

Her groans for him got louder, begging him to enter her and relieve her of her craving. Without waiting, Connor parted her legs and entered her, and a groan of pleasure escaped from Aubrey's lips. Without thinking, she wrapped both her legs around Connor's hips, pressing me down into her and begging him to go much deeper and faster into her.

With every thrust, Connor thrust into Aubrey, and both of them lost their minds in complete ecstasy. After what seemed like forever, Connor spilled his seed on Aubrey, and he collapsed flat onto the bed, both of them breathing heavily and exhausted from their wild lovemaking.


Connor woke up in a dark room. Small streaks of light made their way through the curtains, but there was no Aubrey around. He quickly remembered the events of the previous night and began to doubt that they were real, but then he remembered that he was in Aubrey's room and on her bed.

"This changes nothing between us, you hear?" Connor turned around, only to see Aubrey standing at the door of the bathroom with a serious look on her face.

"But—" Connor tried to argue, but Aubrey interrupted him.

"But nothing, Connor; we are both adults, and I'm sure we can both agree that this was nothing but lust."

"Aubrey, stop lying!" Connor yelled at her as he stood up from the bed, still covering the lower part of his body with the duvet.

"Look, I know you, Aubrey, and what happened between us was more than lust; it was love. I know for a fact that you know that," Connor tried to explain to Aubrey. As Connor looked into Aubrey's eyes, it was evident that she did not care.

Connor watched as Aubrey crossed her arms over her chest, and she frowned at him. She walked away from the bathroom frame and towards the exit of her room, but she paused and turned to face me.

"What we had was marital pleasure; love does not exist in my book. Dress up and get out of my room before CJ sees you here." Without another word from her, he watched her walk out of the room, and for a moment, Connor felt dumbstruck.

Dammit, Connor, how can you be such a fool? He silently thought to himself while still in Aubrey's bedroom. At that moment, he vowed to win her love back no matter what it took.

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