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Three days later,

Connor's sudden announcement three days ago had come as a shock to her, and by the time Aubrey tried to convince CJ that they could not go, it was too late, and their son was packed and ready to go.

To make matters worse, Aubrey had thought that the preparation of their passports would take weeks, but just like always, Connor surprised her by having them ready in just two days.

Just three days later, they were on Connor's private jet and making their way to New York City. The flight had taken forever, and Aubrey had just found out that there were still five hours to go. Her back was hurting, and her buttocks were in pain too, from all the sitting around for the twelve hours in the jet, but CJ and Connor seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Aubrey watched as both father and son sat and played all kinds of board games with each other for hours, and neither of them got bored.

So this is what it feels like to watch your son smile from ear to ear without asking if his father is alive or dead? Aubrey wondered. For years, she wondered, and now she finally has her answer.

"Mommy, do you want to play with me and Daddy?" CJ asked his mother, and this action startled Aubrey so much that she snapped out of her daydream and smiled at her son.

"Oh no, no, you go ahead and play with your dad. I'll just sit down and watch you guys play," Aubrey answered her son, making sure that she kept a smile on her face the entire time. After watching both Connor and CJ play together, Aubrey dozed off to sleep.

"Aubrey, wake up! Wake up!" Aubrey felt someone's hand tap on her shoulder, waking her up. Aubrey's eyes shot wide open, and right before her was Connor, smiling down at her.

"Well, you look like you had a nice nap, Missy." Connor joked, but Aubrey was too tired to respond; rather, she yawned and stretched out her arms, a clear sign of her fatigue.

"Why are you waking me up like that? Where is CJ?" Aubrey asked Connor as panic set in her tone. Without waiting for Connor's reply, she stood up from her chair, walked past Connor, and looked at their son. She looked in the bedroom and toilet, but he was not there until Aubrey felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Aubrey, CJ is fine; he's with the pilot. And just before you freak out again, we've already landed." Connor informed Aubrey that her heart rate had decreased, but she was still worried about CJ being away from her.

"But—" Aubrey tried to argue, but Connor interrupted her.

"But nothing; we've already landed; let's hurry up because the driver is waiting for us," Connor informed her as he stepped away from Aubrey to go and get their son.


After driving around, the town in a stretch limousine, Aubrey began to get a little impatient because they had not gotten to the house yet. Even though she was beyond bored, Aubrey was quite happy that their son was enjoying himself. She loved seeing the excitement on CJ's face as he pointed at all the buildings and asked his father what each building was called and why it was there, and his father happily obliged to answer his questions.

By the time the car slowed down, Aubrey looked out the window, and what she saw before her was not a house but a mansion.

I cannot believe it; we will be living in a mansion. This house puts my tiny little can of a house to shame. Aubrey thought to herself. She had always known that Connor was rich, but she never quite realized the extent of his wealth.

The car came to a halt, the driver unlocked the door for them, and they all stepped out one by one. Aubrey could not help but be distracted by the mansion's utter beauty, so much so that she did not even hear her son call out to her.

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