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Aubrey was on her way to the station when a black BMW pulled up beside her. She turned her head, not knowing who it was, until the window was rolled down, revealing Connor's face. Connor smiled at her, and Aubrey did not do the same in return; something about seeing Connor made her lose her mind with anger.

"Hey," Connor greeted her and flashed a smile at Aubrey. Seeing him smile and try to make peace with her only made her want to attack him.

"Hey Connor, let me remind you that we just saw each other less than two hours ago, and now you are here acting like you missed me," Aubrey told Connor as she tried her best not to wrap her hands around Connor's neck.

"Aubrey, I just want to talk to you because we didn't really express ourselves properly, and in the end, we did what we both do best, walk away from the truth," Connor confessed; deep down, Aubrey knew that he was correct. But, unfortunately, she and Connor were not good at dealing with their problems head-on.

He opened the door for Aubrey, and she entered Connor's car, which felt comfortable. The entire time Connor and she drove silently, Aubrey could not help but feel like this day had happened before. Finally, after a few hours of going down the coastline, Connor's car stopped at Muizenberg Beach.

Aubrey shut her eyes as she remembered all the times that she and Connor had come down to this beach to relax or simply enjoy each other's company, but now it felt like a bitter memory that she would much instead not remember.

"Connor, take me home, please," Aubrey begged him. Aubrey felt the tears burning in her eyes, but she fought the urge to cry, eight years of pent-up anger now rising to the surface.

Connor did not start his car at the insistence of Aubrey; instead, he inhaled and exhaled, looking for just the right words to say to her.

"Aubrey, we have to face the truth" Connor tried to share his sentiments only to be interrupted by Aubrey.

"But I don't want to!" Aubrey scolded him as her hands landed on his dashboard.

"You don't want to, but I do. Aubrey, remember eight years ago, this was the same spot where you lost your virginity to me, and it might have also been the same night that our son, CJ, was conceived," Connor told her; Aubrey did not have to guess if Connor was correct or not because Aubrey was well aware that CJ was indeed conceived that very night.


Connor and Aubrey constantly walked down Muizenberg Beach, holding each other's hands as the sun set on them. Even though it was getting darker and the moon showed its face, they were still grateful that they could feel the sand on their feet. Then, to Aubrey's surprise, Connor pulled her behind the large rocks, away from everyone's view, and she was shocked to see a tent set up for them.

The cold wind blew, causing Aubrey to hug herself and keep herself warm, but luckily for her, Connor walked behind her and placed his jacket over her to keep her warm.

"Thanks," Aubrey thanked him.

"Anything for the love of my life," Connor whispered into her ears, making Aubrey feel more nervous than before.

"Hey baby, are you still cold?" Connor asked her.

"Not that much, Connor dear. Can we just go back? My foster mother will be looking for me anytime soon," Aubrey begged Connor. Connor knew just how horrid Aubrey's foster mother was, but tonight was their night, and he hated that anything or anyone could destroy that.

"Oh please, that drunk? I paid her a few Rand, and she agreed to let you stay with me for the night," Connor confessed, smiling that he had sorted out their primary problem.

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