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The doctor walked toward Connor and Aubrey with a pained expression, and Aubrey's heart sank to the pit of her stomach as she feared the worst for her son. The doctor took a deep breath and exhaled, indicating that Aubrey was not too pleased with it.

"Are you the couple that brought your son in?" The doctor asked Aubrey and Connor to look at each other and then back at the doctor.

"Yes, we are his parents," Connor and Aubrey responded in unison as they awaited the doctor's response.

"Well, I am so sorry to inform you about your son, but we really tried our best," The doctor informed them. Alarm bells rang in Aubrey's head as she tried to make sense of all that was happening before her eyes.

"Excuse me, doctor, but I do not understand what it is that you are trying to say because my son—my son—" Aubrey tried to explain, but her voice kept breaking as tears filled her eyes and her brain struggled to register what the doctor was saying to them.

"I'm sorry, but your son didn't make it; it seems that he had died moments before his arrival," The doctor informed them, and that was all it took to set a gray cloud over their heads. Connor felt numb, his legs felt like they were about to buckle under his feet, and a single tear ran down his face.

Aubrey sank to the floor and hugged herself before she began to cry. Connor wished he could comfort her, but he was also grieving. CJ, without knowing that he had a father who loved him. With every tear that fell from Connor's eye, he thought of ways that he could have bettered his son's life but all that was gone.

Why CJ? I never even got to tell you that you're my son. Why had I not figured out that you were mine? I guess I will never get the chance to hear you call me Dad.

Connor stood with his back against the wall silently, sobbing. Then, finally, he turned his neck to look back at the door where CJ's body was last carried in on arrival; he saw a boy.

Connor removed his back from the wall; the little boy wore faded jeans and walked towards Connor. At that moment, it seemed Connor was losing his mind because his son CJ was walking towards him less than five meters away.

Aubrey still had her head down sobbing, and without consulting her, Connor walked towards CJ and crouched so that he could look at CJ in his eyes. Connor smiled, as he could not believe his eyes; CJ was standing in front of him, smiling. Connor touched CJ's face to know if CJ was real, and he really was.

"Uncle Connor, why are you and Mommy crying?" CJ asked him, and he could not even answer the little boy as he was still shocked.

Because they told us that you were dead. Connor thought to himself as he stopped himself from telling CJ the truth; the last thing he wanted was to scare CJ into thinking he had been declared dead a while ago.

"They told us that you were not well," Connor blurted out, deciding that telling CJ a half-truth was better than lying.

"Nonsense, I'm Superman, and I cannot get sick," CJ told Connor as he flexed his muscles, making Connor smile and proud of his little boy.

Without warning, Connor felt himself pulled away from CJ and landed on the floor. He turned to see who it was, and it was Aubrey hugging CJ and kissing the poor boy all over his face. Connor smiled as CJ blushed from embarrassment. Now that Connor looked at how close Aubrey ad CJ was, he could not imagine losing either.

The same doctor who had walked in and informed them that CJ was dead reappeared; this time, the sad expression was no longer there when he saw us.

"I'm so sorry, sir, but there was a mix-up between your son and a boy that was brought in at the same time as your son. I would really like to apologize from the bottom of my heart," the doctor admitted, and even though this mix-up made Connor mad, he knew it was best to let this matter go.

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