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Tate drove and parked his car in his client's driveway; both men exited the vehicle, walked up to Tate's client's house, and knocked at the door. The waiting outside the door killed Connor, as he could not wait any longer.

Tate knocked on the door repeatedly, and it seemed no one would ever unlock it. Finally, when the pair was about to turn on their heels and walk away, the door opened, revealing a middle-aged white woman. She smiled at Connor and Tate, and they also returned the smile.

This must be Tate's client, then. Connor thought to himself as he observed the older woman staring back at them. The older woman had wrinkles on her face from years of experience. The one thing that Connor had to admit was that the older woman had pretty blue eyes and pink, chubby cheeks. One would go as far as to say that the older woman was kind, but

"Oh, Tate, you are here, and who is this young man next to you?" The older woman asked with excitement in her voice, and even her smile made her look suspicious. Yet, even though her smile seemed all for the show, Connor could not help but admire her pearly white teeth.

The older woman reached out to hug Tate, and as soon as she had her fill, she let go of him.

"Good morning, Mrs. Elizabeth," Tate greeted the older woman.

"Good morning, Tate, and who is this young man next to you?" Elizabeth questioned Tate. Without waiting for any introduction, Connor reached out to shake Elizabeth's hand, and she took it.

"Good morning, my name is Connor O'Brien, and I am a friend of Tate," Connor informed Elizabeth, who smiled politely.

"Oh, I see. I am pleased to meet you, Connor. Oops, I'm so sorry; I honestly do not know where my manners have gone; come on in." Elizabeth welcomed them into her house.

She kindly let them into her house and told them how happy she was to have them there. But unfortunately, as soon as they sat on the couch, Elizabeth's sister, Maria, showed up. Unlike Elizabeth, Maria did not look kindly at all. It turns out that Maria was the one who needed her room redecorated, and Tate was the one who was assigned to design it.

I know rich; I was born into a family with more money than we could count, and from what I could gather, this woman was filthy rich. Connor thought he knew wealth, and these people reeked of riches.

The house was two stories, and even though it was much smaller than his mansion in New York, he had to admit that Tate had done a great job decorating its interior.

Maria, her sister, greeted Connor and Tate; she sat on the sofa opposite the men. Before long, Elizabeth walked in with a tray containing coffee cups and placed them on the table for them to drink.

"Well, thank you, Elizabeth, but why do all this work when you have a maid at home to do this for you?" Tate asked Elizabeth, and Maria barged in before Elizabeth could answer the question.

"Her maid is taking a day off. You know what I tell my sister Elizabeth—that she should install much more discipline into that maid of hers. Coming here to this house and giving excuses that her son is sick and she has to take him to the hospital. She is probably selling her body to one of those township men. That is all these black women know how to do. They take advantage of us. We help them with employment, and they demand a pay increase."Connor did not have to look deeper into Maria's words; from her words, he could tell that Maria was racist and entitled.

Connor's blood boiled in his veins; he could never understand why people hated one another based on the color of their skin or background. Growing up, Connor's mother raised them to love everyone because everyone was equal.

"Maria, stop!" Elizabeth scolded her sister; it seemed as though Elizabeth was the sensible one. Connor for what he would have said if Elizabeth had not intervened.

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