Chapter 3. The Friend Paparazzi

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The next day I got into school and my group of friends were huddled around me.(By the way there is Helen(obviously), Cate, Kit(That's just a nickname, but that is what she likes to be called), Bree, Nolan, Alan, and Derek.

"Woah, Woah, calm down alright we just talked okay," I said setting my bag by the wall where we usually sit. "They are really nice and kind, thats all I'm saying."

"Soooo, who's you favorite?" Kit asked. ( I had a feeling that she would say that once I saw her)

"I don't have a favorite and please give me some space, goodness I might as well be suffocating," I said sitting down next to my backpack. The left me alone alright, the all left completely leaving me to sit there all by myself. My phone began to ring so I answered. "Hello?"

"Hi is this Mila?" someone asked. Their voice sounded very familiar.

"Yes, who is this?" I asked having a feeling I knew who it was.

"Oh this is Marcus, from The Energizers," he replied. (I knew who he was when he said Marcus because he is the only Marcus I know)

"Oh hi Marcus, sorry I can't talk right now," I said. "I'll call you later if I can, my school bell is bout to ring."

"Okay, well we want to talk to you bout something, so give us a call when you can," Marcus said and hung up the phone. ( I felt bad for not being able to talk, but it's school, and if Mum found I skipped she would have a fit.)

The bell rang and I continued to History Class. When I got there most of the people in the room where at the corner like normal. The ones who don't care for school, the just want to hang out with their friends 24/7.(Now I am not judging sometimes I feel like that, but no since I am busy all the time I can't.)

"Alright everyone quiet and get into your seats. Also remember that you have that history project about your role model from the past due in 3 weeks exactly," Mrs. Brisnin said cheerfully. (I know it sounds weird but don't make fun of it)

We began to work on the history of the kings and queens of England. (I found it convenient that was what we were studying.) Of course me with the obsession of moving over to the UK and general knowledge bout the place I had finished half of the assignment before class was over. The class is really easy for me, but the school won't put me in an advanced history class.

After history was my math class, I'm kinda in between normal and advanced with it. I really like my maths teacher. She is really funny and fun. She also pushes us to try before she will help us individually. Her name is Mrs. Drone The assignment for last week was really easy for most of us.

We went over the assignment then she gave us sample problems for the next day's quiz. (Legit though she is one of the most fun teachers I have come across)

Then it was on to science. I love my science teacher she also runs one of the few clubs I attend. We only had in class assignments all week last week. Meaning all the assignments were labs. I finished all of mine with my team which consisted of Bree, Kit, Nolan, and Alan. This was the only class that most of the group was in. We were happy bout that but sad at the same time, who wouldn't want to be with all of your friends in one class. (If the group did do that we would probably be split into 1-3 classes including all of the extensions.

"Today class we are learning about the more advanced life cycle. Now don't go saying you already know it because you don't. This segment will take the rest of the year due to how long it is," Miss D explained.

My friends and I were thrilled, mainly me and Bree. Bree wants to be in the medical profession when she goes to college. Me I just find life interesting, but I want to become an author. Anyways we just followed along doing notes.

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