Chapter 27: I Want To Tell You Something

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Marcus agreed with my idea of having a day dedicated to quality time with the whole band. So, when we finished our ice cream we headed back to Marcus's aunt's to find that the boys were passed out on the couch, all except Cody.

"You go find Cody, I'll wake these guys up," Marcus said as he closed the door.

I nodded and headed to the upstairs, I thought that maybe he was sleeping in one of the rooms. I checked the other boys rooms first before checking mine. I made my way to my room and opened the door very slowly.

As I walked in I saw Cody sprawled out on the bed, with a book on his chest. I walked over and picked up the book to realize it was mine, the only one I carried with me "The Peppermint Bear". I looked at the page he left off on, he got further than me and the page read.

"So I tried to convince her that the other bear wasn't right for her. Although she wouldn't listen. I longed for her to understand how much I loved her, yet she always seemed distant.
How can I make her see that my love runs deeper than the roots of a tree and it goes out to the stars in the universe. Although I am just a bear and I don't know how she could love me since she is up in the the social class. A princess an. I am but a lowly poor servant."

I looked over at Cody, who was resting peacefully. His hair was ruffled and he was breathing deeply, I smiled. He has always been the one to see me sleep now its my turn. I set the book down non the bedside table and sat on the bed. This made Cody stir a little bit.

"Cody, Cody, its time to get up," I said brushing hair out of his face. (I remember thinking that he needed to get his bangs trimmed.) He slowly opened his eyes and mumbled something. "Cody, its important that you get up."

He groaned and sat up," Sorry I'm just really worn out from playing tag with Barry and Lawrence. Its good to see you though," he said and kissed me on the forehead. "Come on we better get downstairs if this is important."

He took my hand as we walked down stairs. When we reached the bottom the rest of the band was waiting in the foyer of the house with sleepy eyes. They were all mumbling until they saw us.

"What took you guys so long come on let's pack our things and get ready to camp at the beach," Barry said with a wide smile. And with that everyone made their way back upstairs to pack for a two day camping trip.

I packed 4 pairs of clothes, my swimsuit, tooth brush, toothpaste, brush, and scrunchies. I called Bree to ask where she was. She said she was staying at a hotel to explore the city. I then packed my book, thinking I'd be able to read it during the night.

"Mil you ready to go?" Lawrence asked after he knocked on the door of my room.

"Yeah," I replied pulling my bag onto my shoulder as I opened the door.

~5 hours later. 9:30 pm at the beach. Everyone was asleep on the sand.~

I woke up with sand in my hair. I got up and went to the water to wash it out, then I sat down at the edge of the water. I looked up at all of the stars.

It was nice to have a break and be out of the house with everyone. We swam in the water played a few board games. Then we set up the tent we bought at the store before we came to the beach. Next was the fire pit Marcus's aunt let us borrow.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump,"Sorry Mila." I looked to see Cody wrapped in a blanket behind me.

"Its alright, I just wasn't expect in anyone to be up," I yawned as he sat down next to me.

"Well it is good to have some time with you, because I've been wanting to talk to you."

"About what?"

"I think we should get to know each other even better, just me and you," Cody said looking down at his hands.

"You know you don't have to be upset or nervous to ask me things right?"

"I know, I just don't want to mess up anything."

"I don't think you will, I have confidence in you," I said as I looked up at the sky some more. "I also think our story is close to an end?"

"What do you mean?"

"I think I'm going to have to go home after this trip in Australia, I'll still talk to you guys but....."


"I miss my family and friends. Although I really hate the town I'm from, I want to go back."

"Will you still be going out with me?" Cody asked, I could see tears forming in his eyes. I don't think I've ever seen him cry and I don't want too.

"Yeah I will, I promise. I'm sorry I wasn't trying to make you cry," I said pulling him into a hug.

"I know, but I wish you would stay here with me and the boys," he cried into my shoulder. I felt stabbing pains in my chest hearing him cry. "I love you Mila and nothing is gonna change that."

I was stunned by his statement, I wasn't expecting it. So then I myself began to cry, "I love you too."

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