Chapter 26: FulFilling Everyones Wishes

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Mr. May who's that, maybe it was the old man who was yelling at me. Or maybe it was the worker who was scooping ice-cream. All of the sudden Marcus started talking,"Sorry Mrs. Price, this man in front of me her is yelling at my sister her because she accidentally bumped into him."

"Well sir is that true?" Mrs. Price asked.

"Why yes but...."
"But nothing sir you are going keep your mouth shut and wait for your ice-cream. Or unless you would prefer I could force you out of my shop and never let you back in," Mrs. Price said in a stern voice, but she was smiling as if she had just made an achievement.
" I'll leave now, I am sorry young lady, the old man said frantically as he left the shop.
"Marcus May it is so good to see you, its been so long band now you're famous," Mrs. Price said smiling and hugging Marcus. I was so happy to see him hugging her back and smelling with tears in his eyes. "You're even taller now and well we all knew you could sing you were just to shy to let it out. I have to thank tho use boys if I see them round."
"I missed you so much, and everyone here," Marcus said with a sniffle. "Mrs. Price this is my band mate's girlfriend Mila and she's like a sister to me."
"its nice to meet you young lady, I've got to be honest I thought for a sliver of a moment that you two were dating. Although I see it now that you two are like brother and sister. Which band mate is she dating?" Mrs. Price asked after shaking my hand a bit to long.
"Cody, although I don't think you met him yet," Marcus stated with a bit of thought afterwards.
"Well then I believe you came here to get ice cream and its on me," Mrs. Price stated happily.
Mrs. Price prepared Marcus's ice care which was mint chocolate chip rocky road, while mine was plain chocolate and cookie dough. We sat down at a window seat. As I looked out I could see the beach with people playing in the water.
"Mila are you okay?" Marcus asked with a bit of concern.
"I'm fine I just remember when I'd go swimming with my friends and all sorts during the summer," I said with a smile.
"You know you can go home anytime right."
"Oh I know I just had flashbacks that's all. To be honest the only thing that I miss from my home would be my friends and family. I absolutely hate the town its the worst place ever," I said sternly. "So you don't have to worry bout me going back, cause I really don't want too."
Marcus nodded slightly and went back to eating his ice cream. I could tell he was thinking. About what I would have like to know.
"So what do you want to do now?" Marcus asked.
"I would like to go to a....," I couldn't think of anything. "I would like to learn the piano please."
"Wouldn't you want Cody to teach you?"

"No because I want to spend more time with the rest of the band. I feel that I am neglecting the rest of the band and I don't want to just hang out with Cody 'cause all of you matter to me a lot," I said staring at my ice cream. All that I had said was true, I love Cody so much; although I also love the rest of the band too.

"You know we know that you love all of us right?" Marcus asked me after taking another bite of his ice cream. "Even if you don't spend a lot of time with us, we know you care. Heck we think you should spend more time with Cody cause you guys need to get to know each other more as well."

I took a bite of ice cream to explain why I didn't say anything. I didn't know how to respond. Cody wants me to bond with the other band members; as do I, but according to Marcus all of the band members want me to spend more time with Cody. But spending time with the whole band might fulfill everyone's wishes, kinda like when all of us first met. When I finished the bite I looked at Marcus," I want to set a time when all of us can hang out."

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