Chapter 23: Australia

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*********************~ 3 Days Later in Sydney, Australia. Sydney Airport.~*********************

The past three days have been hectic. The boys had a show in Birmingham on our last day there and then we had to leave that night. Helen and Nolan went back to America, even though Helen said she had yet to ask Barry out and Nolan wanted to keep hanging out with Marcus. Then when we got on out plane to Sydney we were delayed two hours, and once we were finally able to leave we almost didn't make it in time to pick up Bree, but we are here now so yeah. (On the plane ride I told Cody what Lawrence wanted to talk to me bout.)

"Is her plane here yet, I'm getting bored waiting?" Barry complained. 

"Will you shut up already, dude she'll be here soon," Marcus said slapping Barry upside the head lightly.

"Flight 493 and 585 are now arriving, Flight 493 and 585 are now arriving," the female voice over the intercom said. 

I quickly ran to where the gates were, next came Cody, then Lawrence who couldn't stop grinning, then Marcus who was dragging Barry behind him. We waited about 5 minutes until suddenly people started flooding out of Gates 5 and 6. Cody quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug. People seemed to be in an utter rush to get out of the airport. (To this day Sydney Airport was the most dangerous airport I've ever been in.)

After about a good 10 minutes the people cleared and I looked to my side to see Bree and Lawrence lying next to each other knocked over. I turned my head back into Cody's chest to muffle my giggling. I couldn't help it they just looked up at my with nervous smiles and red cheeks.

After I was done with my little fit of laughter I helped Bree up while Cody helped Lawrence up. Bree pulled me into a tight bear hug. Her hair has grown a few inches and she has new glasses. Lawrence looked confused when he stood up. 

"Did you break your other glasses again?" I asked with a smile still hugging her. 

"No, well okay yes, but that is beside the point you grew a bit. Where is the guy I talked over the phone to, ah Lawrence was his name?" she asked. I pointed behind her. "Wow, you look way different from what I expected."

"Sorry bout that," he said looking down at his shoes.

"In a good way, sorry. So what are we doing today?" she asked looking around.

"Well friend we are going to go to Marcus's aunt's house and stay there while they go to the venue 'round 9 tonight. As far as fun stuff I don't know," I said pulling her to the exit. The boys followed behind us whispering something, but they were to quite for me to her them.

"Okay, by the way whats up with Lawrence he seems very.... anxious?" Bree asked.

"Well, he was excited to meet you, but just give him some space yeah. Just give him some space, he is very shy," I said looking back at Lawrence, whom for some reason had his hands in his pockets and was staring at his feet while he walked.

"Okay, I just hope I didn't scare him or anything. He seems like a really nice guy," she slightly smiled. 


~At Marcus's Aunt's 4:30 PM~Dinner Time~

We all sat at the down at the dinner table while Marcus's Aunt Karry finished up the cooking. She is a very nice woman, she is carefree; although does set the law down. When we walked in Marcus yelled for her and she got really mad. It was hilarious so much that Barry and I were leaning on our knees.

After a nice lunch/dinner we went upstairs to the bedrooms. There were 3 rooms enough for two people for each room. Cody wanted to board with me but let Bree, because he knew that she wouldn't want to be stuck with Lawrence the first time they met in person.  Boy was she happy.

Bree and I put our stuff down on the  floor next to the bay window that overlooked that street. Across the street there were brightly colored houses with children playing in some of the yards. I sat on the cushion in the bay window. 

I began to think, since I've become more confident in being Cody's girlfriend maybe I need to act like it. That incident in the ally brought it down a little but it is still there. I decided sitting there that I would interact more with the whole band. 

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