Chapter 4: Meeting For Tea (How cliche)

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The rest of the day went swell. At lunch we all talked about what happened at the concert and Helen kept saying I was lucky that they found me. The school lunch wasn't so swell though. Turkey slice, mashed patoes, and some rather uneatble fruit. Along came with the uneatble gravy. I prefere home lunches, but mum had to go to the market today. I proceeded home alone on the bus. (The bus is full of people I don't know, but mum couldn't pick me up because I didn't have any clubs on that day.) When I got home I called Marcus.

"Hello?" Marcus asked.

"Hey, it's Mila," I replied.

"Oh yeah do you think you could meet us somewhere in your town?" he asked. (He sounded hesatant.)

"I thought you guys had to leave the state for your next concert?" I asked confused.

"Oh thats not for another two weeks so we have time," Marcus said. (The way he said it made me think he was starting to get excited.)

"Sure how about Da Cup 'O Tea And More?" I asked.

"We don't know where that is but we will find it, bye," and with that Marcus hung up. I guess all of us were to meet up.

I meet them at Da Cup 'O Tea And More. They were drinking shakes when I walked in. I was actually more suprised by the fact that there wasnt a swarm of fans at the door.

"Hey Mila," Cody said waving me over. I grabbed a chair that wasn't being used to sit down in.

"So whats up?" I asked, I mean I don't think they would just want to hang out with me. I'm boring. (In my opinon anyways)

'Well we were wondering if......," Barry began. ( I'm not one for guessing games, but I let this slide because it was obviously something important.)

"If....?" I asked.

" If you wanted to join us on our tour, you know travel the world with us," Lawrence finished. (they all seemed like they really wanted to know right then and there)

"Umm, I mean I am happy to be invited but I dont think I'll be able too," I said. "I don't know if my mum will alow me, and I have school to finish."

"You'd be able to finish school just in sections thats what we had to do," Marcus responded.

"Anyways what would I be doing?" I asked with a gulp. (I had really bad stage fright back then)

"I mean helping us with stuff, like we will teach you how to play the instruments we play," Barry answered. "And writing music."

"I don't know I really dont want to cause you guys any trouble, plus I mean I'd just be a bother," I said.

"Listen if you dont want to come then just tell us, but don't say that you are a bother or trouble because to me that is not a justifiable awnser," Cody explained with a stern look. All of us just stared at him for a minute.

"Okay I'll ask my mum, but I do want to come," I replied." I'll give you a call when I get an awnser."

Cody got up and held the door open for me as I left. And said,"Sorry if I hit a sensitive spot, I just spoke for all of us when I said that you weren't trouble or a bother. You aren't and don't let people tell you you are."

"It's okay," I said looking at the sidewalk and left.

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