Chapter 16: Dubai?

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I was wondering where all my friends where, but it wasn't like we could pay for each and everyone of them could fit on the bus with us. So I just narrowed down a top 10 list for which I thought the boys would pick from.

"I'm sorry but they can't come yet, once we get too Sydney in a couple of months they'll come," Cody explained giving me a hug. "We should be going now though."

Helen stayed close to me as we walked out of the airport and until we got to our hotel room. Lizzie said she'd sleep on the floor, but I insisted I would even though it would make my back hurt. Anyways I'd probably end up sleeping in the chair that was situated next to the window of the room.

Helen told me about what had happened while I was gone, the only thing I could say was, "That is cool". It's just being with the band has changed my life we are constantly moving around and all of the fans. It takes a bit to get used to, but I don't mind it; although that is when I'm with the band.

~ 2 Days Later: 4:45 PM ~

I was sitting in the chair by the window, when we arrived I didn't know we were staying for a week. So when the boys where out or at one of their concerts I would just sit and read my book The Peppermint Bear. I was already half way through the book. While I read my book, Helen would be sending E-mails to our friends.

We were both sitting there silently, because Lizzie told us to wait in the room while she got us a snack. Anyways we were sitting there when we both heard the door lock, which was weird because Lizzie had left it unlocked. Helen and I both just stared at the door, our breathing fast and short. Then the doorknob wiggled.

"It was unlocked why did Lizzie say it was locked?" we heard a frustrated Marcus say. We both went back to breathing normally. I set my book down, got up and unlocked the door and opened it. "Thanks."

"No problem, just doing what was right," I said walking back towards the chair when I felt two arms wrap around me. I knew who it was, then I heard the door close.

"Oh I see how it is you talk to Marcus, but not me," Cody said.

"Sorry, didn't see you," I said with a smile as I turned around to return the hug.

"Yep, sure," he said with sarcasm and let go to sit in the chair.

"OI DON'T SIT IN MY CHAIR!" I said loudly, just under a yell. Lawrence, Marcus, Barry, and Cody all give me a surprised look. Anyways Cody fell into the chair with a thud.

"Guys, she's never said that around you?" Helen asked suppressing a laugh. they shook their heads no, then began to laugh a little. "Yeah, um she usually says that a lot."

"Not around us," Lawrence replied. "You must be getting used to us, finally."

"Hey, it just takes me awhile to get used to people," I said storming over to pick up my book, then I sat in front of the window looking out.

"Sorry," Lawrence said sitting on the edge of Helen's bed.

"Sorry I snapped," I mumbled and just looked at the cover of my book. It looked even more faded then the day it was given to me. The little bear with a red and white scarf was sitting at a table with a otter, frog, and squirrel. (The otter's name is Jason, the frog's is Fredrick, and the squirrel's is Ginger. All of them are guys except for Ginger. Also the book is FRICKING AWESOME!) All of them were drinking tea and smiling.

"It's okay, I already know your snappy sometimes,"Lawrence said.

"Okay, so are we going to tell her?" Marcus asked. All of the guys turned and gave him a glare while I turned around and raised an eyebrow.

"Tell me what?" I asked and looked at Helen who just shrugged. She looked as confused as I did.

"Well since your birthday is coming ups soon," Barry said, but before he continued he gave Marcus a glare. "We thought we would schedule a week or so in Dubai, because we have a free week towards the end of June, beginning of July."

"Thanks, but you guys should spend your free week to recoup and get some sleep," I protested. (even though I REALLY wanted to go.)

"Okay lets get this straight," Marcus said holding up his right hand and index finger. "When you are with The Energizers and are friends with them, you don't simply skip a birthday. You celebrate from 6:00 AM to 12:00 AM the next day, so wither or not you want it we will be going to Dubai, India. I will drag you if I have to."

"Um, okay. I mean I would love to, but I don't really like celebrating my birthday. I mean I do, but I don't," I explained standing up to stretch my back. "I'm not saying I don't want to go its just......"

"Mila we get it," Helen said with a smile.

"Oh Helen we will be celebrating yours too, since yours is close to Mila's," Barry said.

"THIS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!" Helen yelled while bouncing up and down.

I looked back to the window, Dublin was beautiful and amazing. Although I needed out of the hotel room. I got up and picked up my coat.

"Where are you going?" Cody asked grabbing my hand.

"For a walk I just need some air," I replied with a sigh. (At the time I barely got time to hangout with the boys, which was making my slightly depressed.)

"I'll come with you, guys we'll be back in a bit," Cody said standing up, he let go of my hand so I could put on my jacket.

"Don't you want to stay with the boys and Helen?" I asked as he closed the door to the hotel room.

"I get to spend 24/7 with the boys and anyways Helen doesn't trust me yet," He replied, our arms swinging. "Anyways I haven't really hung out with you since we got off the plane."

"Well you are busy," I said leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, which makes me sad 'cause I want to spend time with you and I can't most of the time," He said dropping his head a little bit.

"Okay Cody, look at me," I said stopping and standing in front of him. I stood there for about 30 seconds when he finally looked up. "As long as we can spend some time with each other, then I am okay with that. I just don't want you spending all the free time that you have with me, also remember next week we're going to see all your families."

Cody just wrapped his hands around me," Thanks Mila, I love you."

I froze for a second, but I just embraced the hug. "I love you too Cody. Now come on, I thought we were going for a walk."

I grabbed his hand and began walking towards the elevator but he stopped,"There are a whole bunch of fans down there, if we take the stairs we can sneak out through the back."

I nodded and we walked to a door that said "FIRE EXIT" in big white letters with a red background. We walked down five flights of stairs, when we got to the bottom I felt light headed. Cody waited till I felt better and we walked.


We arrived at a park, it was beautiful. I was glad it wasn't raining. The park had all green, fountains, and monuments. I let go of Cody's hand and spun around twice trying to take it all in.

"This is St Stephen's Green, there is a shopping center somewhere around here, but anyways do you like it?" Cody asked. I just nodded, I couldn't put into words what I felt, it was like going into that bookstore. "I knew you would some how."

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