Chapter 4 - Secret

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A/N: Hey guys, I though I would publish this on 6 of October but after I revise I decided to rest and I use my resting time to finish this chapter and I guess I made it! Maybe a few chapters would be publish early I don't know but don't worry! *^^*

Chapter 4 : Secret

As the mist gets thicker, everyone was in their position ready to attack at any cause.

But Naruto...

He just stood there slouching a little with a bored look on his face.

Zabuza in a tree. Saw Naruto's expression and got irritated.

'Since you're not scared, I'll have you first" thought Zabuza as he smirked.

He jumped out of the tree and got ready to slash his blade.

But Naruto just disappeared.

'What?! A clone? A genjutsu ?' Though Zabuza.

"Don't let your opponent get behind you" whispered Naruto as he stood behind Zabuza.

Zabuza got shocked and jumped back. Something about Naruto was not right.

The mist then suddenly all came together and become a hurricane. When the mist cleared their area. They could see the hurricane behind Naruto as Naruto stood in front of it.

Naruto had his bangs cover his eyes as he showed a insane grin to the group. When he lift his head,his eyes were bloody red.

"Yes, this is me. The real me. This power."

"NARUTO CALM DOWN!" shouted Kiba and Shikamaru.

"This is the real me " growled Naruto as his voice change in the middle of the sentance.

"This is not good"thought the jonins and two genins.

Naruto stood there as he slowly change. His nails turn to claws, his whiskers turn darker, his ocean blue eyes turn bloody red, he had red chakra slowly surrounding him. Nobody like where it was going.

But Zabuza stupidly mocked Naruto.

"He. He. He. So, some hidden village has a Jinjuriki and the Hidden Leaf Village has one too. I didn't expect to have a chance to fight with you. Ni-ne-ta-il-f-ox. "

"Oh,I didn't know I'm this popular. Well I may be popular in name but let me show you that I'm popular in power as well" said Naruto.

Naruto then stand on fours he growled lowly as his red bloody eyes gleam towards them, his insane grin still in place as he slowly move forward.

"Kurenai, protect the kids Asuma and I will fight them. Go!" Kakashi commanded.

"Hai " replied both jonins as they stood in position.

Kurenai jumped next to the genins and did a genjutsu to camouflage them. Too bad for Shikamaru and Kiba as Kurenai already drag them into the jutsu.

"Naruto calm down" said Kakashi as he took out a kunai.

"Naruto just stay calm so we could fight the ninjas properly" said Asuma.

"Properly? PROPERLY?! HAHAHA!! You got to be kidding me." Laughed Naruto as he wipped a little tear at the corner of his eye.

"I got no time to play. Let's do this the easy way" said Naruto.

He ran in a fast speed that nobody could see after a blink of a eye and hit Zabuza in the gut causing him to fly backwards to hit a tree.

"ARRGGgg! " groan Zabuza.

Naruto then ran in fours to one of the bushes and came back in the speed of lightning. He held a mask boy by the throat as the mask boy tried to gasp for air.

"You must be his minions, aren't you?" Asked Naruto.

He soon let go of the mask boy causing him to fall onto the ground and held his throat desperately.

"*hack hack* no...I..I am on.... a mission. I was suppose to kill Zabuza" the mask boy said.

"Really? I could smell his scent all over you. Trying to play hard huh?" Said Naruto as his voice changed back.

He soon turn back to his old self looking young and dense but of course like Naruto said before. Never be deceive by the appearance. And just now, the two jonins,mask boy and Zabuza had witness the real Naruto.

Naruto then summon the two foxes from before.

"Send these nitwits to the old man, and tell him this mission is going to start getting serious from here. I'm sure later there would be a group of more dumb asses."ordered Naruto.

"Hai" the two foxes replied.

They bowed and bring their prisoners to Konoha.

"Well wasn't that fun?" Asked Naruto as he showed a innocent face.

"Er... yeah" the two jonins sweat dropped.

"WHAT happen?" Asked Kurenai as she appeared with the other genins.

"Oh nothing, we just had a little chat that's all" Naruto reply.

"We'll tell you later" said Asuma.

"Well then,since many incident had happen why don't we start opening up huh Tazuna? " asked Kakashi as he eyed the bridge builder.

"Er...I...umm... " stuttered Tazuna.

"Ugh, big whoop it's not like the rumors about Gato taking over the wave village is a secret" muttered Naruto.

"What was that Naruto? " asked Kakashi.

"I said, it's not like the rumors about that damn wave village is a secret! And before you ask what rumors,I'll assure you it's about Gato taking over the village and taking their money and supplies!" Yelled Naruto.

"How do you know all this?" Asked Tazuna, utterly stunned by his knowledge.

"Umm, it's everywhere. Even the jonins are suppose to know. Ugh slow learners"

"Thank you so much for saving me. I'll let you guys stay at my place as a repay" said Tazuna.


*Tazuna's house*

After they set their things down, they went to the living room to discuss about the mission.

"So far the mission is smooth. The Hokage knows about this and we carry on the mission. " said Asuma.

"What exactly happened just now? " asked Kurenai.

Now everyone are curious. What happen?

Asuma then stood up and gesture Kurenai to follow. The went to the nearest river bank in the forest to have the conversation.

"Naruto went insane and made Zabuza unconscious. He summonded his foxes and send them to Konoha. " whispered Asuma.

"I you think he's letting the beast to take control?" Asked Kurenai.

"I don't know but I think Kiba and Shikamaru knows something." said Asuma.

"I see"

Something is really wrong.

Naruto is hiding something and Kiba and Shikamaru knows something about it.


A/N: OK guys, the chapter stops here. I hope you guys love it! Please comment below and don't forget to vote for it. And if I made a mistake or you want me to write a story and you choose the topic... DON'T HESTITATE TO ASK. Thank you, bye ! *^^*

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