Chapter 9 - Confusion

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Chapter 9 - Confusion

"Hokage-sama please" said Kurenai.

"No you don't just accuse me for my own powers " exclaimed Naruto.

"Naruto... " sighed Kakashi.

"Dad!" Said Asuma.

"Silence! All of you!" Said the Hokage.

He look at each and every one with serious eyes. Eyes full of wisdom and experiences.

"I want all of you explained whatever you had witnessed. Nothing must be left out. Is that clear?"the Hokage Commanded.

His voice strong and fluent. He even scare the shit out of the anbus. Even one of them got shocked that they fell off the roof.

"Hai" replied the three jonins and the only genin.

"Kakashi. Why don't you start first? Knowing that you are always the one in battle" said the Hokage.

Asuma then got a little jealous. Shouldnt he be asking his son? Why is he asking others? He's a jonin too.

"Well, the first battle with the brothers was...fine. since Shikamaru and Kiba fight with them too." Said Kakashi.

"After the fight, Tazuna admitted that the mission was higher than a C- Rank. Hence,to repay his lie he let us stay at his house" he continued.

"Naruto had a nightmare after that. And the next morning he was under control by the Tail beast. He took out Gato and the army ran away afraid. "

"But for Zabuza and Haku... "

*Previously *

Naruto turned to face the Konoha team. Only to see tired and stun faces. He just rolled his eyes and started walking to Tazuna's house without looking back.

The team turned around only to see nothing at the spot where Haku and Zabuza was.


"I you have anything to object? Naruto. " said Hiruzen.

"Noaawww " Naruto answered half way yawning.

"Ok,we'll continue this meeting if it happens again but more serious. Naruto how long have this been happening? When did it started to take control of you" said Hiruzen.

"He's not an it. It been happening since the first time I killed someone when I was four. I was chase by mobs so I had to kill to stay alive. The body has been depose and the victim didn't have a family so I was easily hooked off" said Naruto.

"I see...ok you all are dismissed" said Hiruzen.

All of them bowed and left the tower.


Kakashi and Naruto was walking quietly down the street as Kakashi has offered to walk Naruto as who knows what would happen to him.

"Um... Kakashi Sensei " Naruto called out, breaking the silence.

"Hmm? " Kakashi looked at his left side downwards.

"Thanks" Naruto said so quietly as if he's whispering to himself.

Naruto didn't say thank you ever since he started killing when he was four. He change that time. He's just masking himself all these years. He always felt weird when he did something nice and kind.

Since Kakashi takes care of ninja hounds, he is almost like a dog too. More of a wolf. He heard what Naruto had just said but decided to tease him.

"Huh? What did you say?" Asked Kakashi.

"WHAT?! HEY! YOU HEARD ME!" exclaimed Naruto as he pointed an accusing finger at his instructor.

"Huh? I'm sorry but I didn't heard you just now. You were too soft" said Kakashi.

"I-I said thanks ok? Thank you" Naruto repeated this time louder as he walk away from him and sat at the nearest bench.

Kakashi walk up and sat down.

"For what?" Asked Kakashi.

"For.. you know...comforting me when I had a nightmare...I thought I would be alone...I thought you would kill...m-me " Naruto admitted.

Kakashi then place his finger less glove hand on Naruto's soft blonde locks and ruffle them.

"I was just doing my job as a sensei. " replied Kakashi.

'If only you knew I have to protect you with any cause even if I'm your sensei or not. I made a promise to sensei and your my last family' thought Kakashi.

There was silence.

"Naruto... are you really...going to get your...revenge on Konoha?" asked Kakashi.

There was a moment of silence before Naruto got up and started walking away.

"Hey! You haven't answer my question" Kakashi yelled at the walking figure.

Naruto stop on his track and glance behind a little just to caught the sight of Kakashi and whispered very quietly.

"I-I don't know"

He started walking before running off.

'Naruto... '


I ran into my apartment and shut the door before locking it. I was going insane. The question he asked is stuck inside my head repeating.

'Naruto... are you really...going to get your...revenge on Konoha?'

'Get your revenge on Konoha?'



"AHHHH! " Naruto screamed.

He started throwing everything his clothes,scrolls,table and chairs. He took out his kunai and aim for the walls. He smashed the window and door frame.

He took out another kunai ready to aim for his heart. Only to be stopped by a fingerless glove hand.

He dropped the kunai as he tremble he pull his knees to his chest as he hug them. He sobbed in his legs as Kakashi watch him with remorse and concern in his eyes.

'I shouldn't had asked him...' thought Kakshi.

'It's my fault his like fault'

'I'm so sorry sensei... I had fail you'

*Hokage Tower*

Hiruzen had just witnessed the event that had just happened through his purple crystal ball and sighed. He knew sooner or later Kakashi would be in his office.

Naruto has really rough life. Now he's in this condition. It's not good at all...

'I failed you... Minato... Kushina '

Suddenly some anbus came in.

The one with a cat mask said.

"Hokage-sama, Uzumak-"

He stopped when Hiruzen held his hand up to stop him from continuing.

"I know...I know.."

He stood up and walk to the window,looking at the village.

'Naruto... '

What should he do?


A/N: OK guys, the chapter stops here. I hope you guys love it! Please comment below and don't forget to vote for it. And if I made a mistake or you want me to write a story and you choose the topic... DON'T HESTITATE TO ASK. Thank you, bye ! *^^*

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