Chapter 14 - You're Just So Annoying!

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Thursday, 17 December 2015.

As promise I would write for you guys three chapters. Here they are.
*claps for myself * Enjoy!

Chapter 14 : You're Just So Annoying!

"And who concluded that you are the best?" Asked Naruto.

"The whole village. Anyway,I can beat you to the ground easily. You're the dead last of the academy " said Sasuke.

"Argg! Why can't you just leave me alone?! You're just so annoying! Gosh! Just so annoying! Acting high and mighty around me like you're the king!" Yelled Naruto.

"I'm the dead last you're the mighty Uchiha okay? I admit! I'm the worst! The last! Just leave me alone!" Naruto continued.

"Right,right,right right. Guess who earns a gold star for a very good job?" mocked Sasuke.

Kakashi watched their verbal fight with amusement. He knew they never get along but to fight like this...really interesting.

"SHUT UP!!!!" roared Naruto.

"You have everything! The village love! Fans! Respect! Why can't you just leave me alone?! Fine. You want to beat me till I die? I'll die now!"Naruto Screamed

A/N: were you expecting a fight? Sorry but that will be for later. When he's strong a.k.a Sasuke.

He took out a kunai ready to aim his heart but was knocked out by a tall figure in black. The figure place him over his/her shoulder and said.

"Hmpt. Knew this kid is a pain in the ass"

The shorter figure next to him/her just smirk in the black coat they are wearing.

Kakashi was actually was about to stop him but was beat by the figures.

"Who are you?" Asked an arrogant Uchiha.

"Who we are, are none of your concerns. We are just here to bring back our companion." Said the shot one.

Two more figures appear behind the two who stood before them and all four disappear together.

"We must inform The Hokage about this" said Kakashi.

He summoned 4 ninkens out and send each ones to the other sqwads and Hayate. And Pakkun just for The Hokage.

"So should we move on or head back?" Asked Sakura.

"We should be heading back" said Kakashi.

They all nodded and started to head back to Konoha.

*Hokage Tower *

Pakkun entered from the window and jumped on the desk of the Hokage's.

"Pakkun" Hiruzen greeted.

"Naruto was found with four other unknown figures. Kakashi said he send my friends to ask the to return to the village " Pakkun said.

"Ok. Thank you Pakkun " Hiruzen thanked the pup.

Pakkun disappear in smokes as he ordered his shinobis to send letters out to the villages if they see Naruto to inform the leaf and send a letter to Gai team.

*Squad One*

"Hold " Shikamaru stopped the squad.

"There's something..."

"I" Kiba said.

Jumped out of the bush was a big grey dog,Bull.

"One of Kakashi-sensei's ninken" Hinata informed.

"I'm Bull. I'm here to tell you that Kakashi and his team had encounter Naruto at the sound village. So you are to report back to the leaf and wait for further instructions" the dog who said his name Bull.

"Where in the sound village did the encounter?" Asked Shikamaru.

"Hmm... I'm not sure. But Kakashi summoned me and the other ninkens at a field away from the village at the west side." Said Bull.

"West side...Naruto should be heading this way. He is moving to the west side of us. " Shikamaru whispered practically talking to himself but the others heard him.

"Bull, tell The Hokage that me and my squad are going to camp here near the rain village and continue the mission. The rest are to go back and bring backup and medics here too. I think Naruto is coming here about two to three days of travel. But if the didn't stop to rest it would be two days travel" said Shikamaru.

"But- "

"Just go! Guys we'll spread into two teams. Kiba and Ino with me. Choji,Hinata and Shino together. "

"Hai" all replied including Bull.

Bull started heading to the leaf.

'Well at least he's a good squad leader" Bull thought.

*Leaf Village at the Hokage Tower*

All squads were assemble except for squad one.

"Kakashi,where's squad one?" Hiruzen asked.

"Bull?" Kakashi turn to one of his dog.

A large grey hound step forward.

"Squad one team leader,Shikamaru Nara, said he and his squad will continue their mission as he think Naruto is headed to his direction due to the area Kakashi summon me. He asked for back up and medic teams to be there. He calculated and said Naruto will arrived his area in two to three days. But if they don't stop to rest, it would be two days travel." Bull explained and said every single word Shikamaru told it.

"Alright,Gai team would be their back and I'm asking medic 1 and three on this mission" Hiruzen said.

Sasuke then raise his hand.

"Yes Sasuke? "

"Send Kakashi team as back up. After all we are team 7. Naruto's team"

Hiruzen kept silent and narrow his eyes at Sasuke. Why would he want to retrieve Naruto?

"Alright. Team Kakashi and Team Gai will be the back up team. Medic four will be in this mission too."

"The rest of you rest up. Asuma, Kurenai you two rest up." Hiruzen said knowing they want to join in the mission.

"All dismiss. Back up team report at the north-west gate by dawn. Kakashi stay behind." Hiruzen order.

After everyone left leaving Kakashi behind. Alone with the Hokage.

"I assume the Uchiha have something in mind wanting to retrieve Naruto "Hiruzen ask.

"Yes,when we encounter Naruto, Sasuke want to have a match with him. But Naruto was knock out and brought away by four figures" Kakashi explained.

"I see...ok make sure nothing serious happen and I want Naruto. Back alive " Hiruzen said.

"Hai" and Kakashi disappear.

'Naruto. Please stay strong. Don't let the hatred, anger and darkness consume you' Hiruzen thought.


A/N: OK guys, the chapter stops here. I hope you guys love it! Please comment below and don't forget to vote for it. And if I made a mistake or you want me to write a story and you choose the topic... DON'T HESTITATE TO ASK. Thank you, bye ! *^▁^*

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