Chapter 18 - I Wish I Was There To Save You

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A/N: sorry for not publishing caught in a flu. Enjoy. ( ̄︿ ̄)

Chapter 18 : I Wish I Was There To Save You

*Memorial Stone*

Naruto stood there as he use his finger to trace the Name of the Sandaime.

"I'm sorry, I'm late. I wish I was there to save you. I wish you are still here to comfort me. I wish...I just wish...I-I'm not alone" Naruto sobbed.

Behind some bushes hiding,Masaki and Rize watch as their sensei sob. They had never seen him act like this,only once. When the first time they met him.


The three siblings was running away from a man who they steal some bread from his store. They ran into the forest to out ran him.

After the loss him. They stood to catch their breath. Suddenly,they heard sobbing. They followed the cries and saw a blonde boy crying.

He held his chest wincing and whispering.

"I can't let it consume me. No. I can't"

Then Izaki just walk up to him and hug him.

"Izaki no!" Masaki yelled.

Naruto look up and hug back. Masaki and Rize walk up slowly usure. Then Naruto pull them both in a hug.

"Thank you. Thank you for saving me"

*End of Flashback*

After that very day,he took them in and trained them. But the words of what he said is still going around Masaki head. Wonder what he meant.

"I can't let it consume me. No. I can't"

"Thank you. Thank you for saving me."

At where their sensei stand,suddenly, three people appear behind him. A pink hair girl, defying silver hair and blue duck butt hair.

"You're back" whispered the pink girl.

*Naruto POV*

"I thought I said I don't want any disturbance,"I said a little anger bubbleling inside.

"I know but we wanted to apologize " Sakura continued.

That made me even more angry.

"What do you want to apologize about? You didn't do anything wrong"I said calmly.

"No Naruto. No. I did many mistakes. I hurt you,insult you and underestimate you. I was young and foolish." Sakura exclaimed as years started streing down her face.

"The old man. He fought for the village didn't he? Orochimaru...took his life,right?" Naruto whisper.

"Yes. He fight for the village. He did something noble before he died" Kakshi sighed.

"And now, I'm all alone" Naruto whisper very softly to himself.

Naruto sat next to the memorial stone and cry. Tears of joy and sadness. Someone he look up to when he was young,someone who took car of him. Someone who he sees as a family. Gone.

In the bush Masaki was about to run out but was hold back by Rize.

"Let's go back. Sensei needs his time alone" Rize said,pulling his brother away.

"You're not alone sensei! " Masaki thought.

"You're not alone Naruto " Kakashi said.

Naruto eyes widen. He didn't expect Kakashi to hear him. What did he meant he's not alone?

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