Chapter 13 - Mission (Part II)

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Chapter 13 : Mission (Part II)

It was morning when Gai and his team head out for their mission to search for Naruto as he was 'kidnapped'.

*With Sqwad one *

They went to a near by cave to rest as they were drenched by the rain in the rainforest.

"Alright team,I did some research about the rain village yesterday before we started the mission. It says that no one could ever enter. And even if one do,they don't come out alive. So my plan is we go around the village but of course there would still have ninja around guarding" said Shikamaru.

"I'll send some of my insect to inspect the area" Shino Informed as he send his insects away.

"Okay,let's all rest up before the rain stop.and don't keep your guard down" Shikamaru stated.

"Hai" all of them reply.

When Shikamaru walks away and rest,Ino went to Hinata.

"Wow,he sound like a jounin already" said Ino.

"Yeah" Hinata agreed quietly.

*With Sqwad two*

After a night stay at Tazuna's house because he offered and a delicious breakfast from Tsunami. Sqwad two went around the village to get information.

Sadly, no one in the village has seen their hero. Hayate decided to stay around the Land of waves in case Naruto came because maybe they came before him.

Sqwad two continue their journey of search to the Rice country to the sound village. When they reached the boarders Kakashi stopped them.

"Alright, Konoha actually have an enemy who's village is the sound. His name is Orochimaru. He is a snake-like person. So be careful. When we are in, I want all of you henge and make sure none of your chakra could be reveal" said Kakashi.

"Hai" they all answered.

Kakashi - An old man.

Sasuke - wood chopper man in middle age.

Sakura - a lady who is collect herbs in her 50s.

They went into the village without getting caught.

*With Naruto*

"You are allowed to wonder around in the village as we look for our friend. Just take off your headband so they won't know where you're from" said one of the figures.

"Hai hai "said Naruto as he walk away waving not even looking back.

"Hmpt, that kid got some attitude " snorted the one beside the on who just talked to Naruto.

"Agreed. But don't worry,he won't act like this to us once he know us " smirk the figure.

And both shadows went to fund their friends. Naruto found a training area in the forest as he wonder around the sound village. He decided to train as there was so people giving him weird stares.

*Unknown Place*

"My lord, the villagers are saying that they see a blonde headed person they doesn't recognize " said a guy with gray hair and glasses.

"Kukuku. I could feel their presence. It seems like we were really being spyed by their team. Now, they have come to see their friends. Kukuku." Replied the said lord.

"So do you think the blonde headed person is link to their group?" Asked the bespectacled ninja.

"Kukuku. Who knows? All I know is there's going to be a great show. "

*With Naruto*

He was lying on the silky green grass as he watch the white cotton candies in the sky drift by. How much he miss Konoha.

Wait. Stop.

He don't miss Konoha he hated that hell hole! He'll make all the villagers regret for putting his life at the edge of the jar. All the glares. All the insults. He'll make them pay for what they done.

But deep down inside Naruto could feeling something bubbling up. He felt like his stomach is churning. So many emotions all come together.

'Naruto you're will of fire' suddenly Naruto remember something.


"When I grow up I want to be the Hokage of the village just like you old man! I'll beat every single Hokage from the first the fourth! And when I become Hokage the village will finally see me as a hero not dirt. But someone worthy!" A five year old Naruto exclaimed.

Hiruzen chuckle and patted his head.

"Yes you will Naruto. Your Will Of Fire Burns strongly. Remember Naruto protect your love ones" said Hiruzen.

"Yeah! Like you and Iruka sensei! And the Village!" Naruto shouted proudly.

Hiruzen was so stunned to hear him wanting to protect the village. Even after what they have done. His eyes full of enthusiasm and spirit.

"Yes Naruto. Yes you will "

*End of Memory*

Naruto sighed thinking about Hiruzen and Iruka. A person he sees as a grandfather and another he sees as a father.

"Well well, the dobe went wondering around missing. Making four sqwads to go look for you. At first I thought you were really kidnapped. In the end I find you here daydreaming" said a voice.

Naruto stood up and turn around. To see an Uchiha standing there smirking with his other teammates.

"Naruto!" Sakura call out a hint of worry in her voice.

"Naruto,glad that you're ok. Now we can go back to Konoha " said Kakashi.

"Wait what? He made us came out of the village by making us think that he was kidnap to find him here enjoying as we travel and you're just going to let him go?" Asked Sasuke as he narrowed his eyes at his sensei.

"Hold up okay. Firstly,I didn't say I was kidnap. You all concluded it that way. Secondly, I'm not going back to that hell hole." Said Naruto.

"So we travel to far just for you for nothing? Don't you think that's unfair? " asked Sasuke.

"Then what the hell do you want? "

"Why not a little spar?"smirked Sasuke.

"Not interested. I'm busy having things on my mind"

"As usual, running away. But it's okay I mean I am the last Uchiha. No one could ever beat me." Smirked Sasuke.

Naruto stopped and turned around. He narrowed his eyes at the said Uchiha. All his mix emotions was swiped away as an angry hurricane took over.


A/N: OK guys, the chapter stops here. I hope you guys love it! Please comment below and don't forget to vote for it. And if I made a mistake or you want me to write a story and you choose the topic... DON'T HESTITATE TO ASK. Thank you, bye ! *^▁^*

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