Chapter 5 - Nightmare

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A/N: Hey guys, I though I would publish this on 6 of October but after I revise I decided to rest and I use my resting time to finish this chapter and I guess I made it! Maybe a few chapters would be publish early I don't know but don't worry! *^^*

Chapter 5 : Nightmare


The group just met Tazuna's daughter,Tsunami and her son Inari, who made Naruto annoyed. The group went to the forest with Kakashi to do some training which is tree climbing.

"To climb, you have to channel your chakra to your feet not too much and not to less. Focus on the tree ignore the surroundings and focus on the tree. Let the tree to be your first priority. " explained Kakashi.

"I'm gonna win you Ino-pig "growled Sakura.

"Try it forehead" Ino growled back.

"Less talking more moving " said Kakashi as he threw them some kunais. "Start!"

Ino, Hinata and Sakura manage to reach to the top. For Shino his chakra is mostly for his insects for he used them to reach to the top. Shikamaru being his Nara style reach to the top and Kiba climb up like a dog.

But for Sasuke and Naruto they supply a huge amount of chakra.

Sasuke tried his first try but broke the outer skin of the stem.

"So the more chakra I channel it would cause the tree to break but the less chakra I can't even climb. I have to be even" thought Sasuke.

Surprisingly, Naruto mange to reach to the top. Actually he did it without a sweat! Now, he started running and jumping around the trees with Kiba and Akamaru as if they were playing catch.

Sasuke stood below glaring at them. How could all of then reach the top while he, an Uchiha is still below. No he have to win.

Sasuke then stayed at the forest with the company by the girls except for Hinata as she is not a Sasuke-kun fan.


The group had dinner cooked by Tazuna's daughter, Tsunami. Naruto and Sasuke keep glaring at each other at the dining table as the rest eat in silence. They competed for food but vomited soon after as having their stomach too bloated .

After dinner, things did not go well. Inari,who is Tsunami's son ,said some words that made Naruto furious causing Naruto to stomp out of the cottage to the forest to calm himself down.

'Nobody will know the true meaning of pain. Even if they do,they can't bare it' though Naruto.

He gritted his teeth and continue his way deeper into the forest. He went to an open area where the ocean blue sky with sparkling stars shine above the silky green grass. He lay on the grass, admiring the stars as he thought about the things that never happen to him, things that he never received.

'Love? Care? Friends? Family? What are these? How does it feel like to have these people and events? Friends? What are they suppose to do? Love? What could it help? Care? What does it mean? Family? What is a family?' All these questions always came crushing into his head.

But all he always get was silence.


*Void Deck*

Kakashi went to the void deck only to see Inari sobbing there. He walk up and sat down next to him. He explained to Inari about Naruto's life as how he never gave up and how much he love and care about his friends which made Inari a little more brave.

"That's why no one could ever bare any pain that Naruto has bare. He doesn't have a family. He have to bare it alone so you must understand how much he has went through" said Kakashi.

"Oh" was the only smartest thing Inari could respond.

Kakashi and Inari then went into the cottage together.

'Thank you,Kaka-sensei ' though Naruto as a small real smile was plaster on his face. He then jump down from the roof and entered the cottage.

Demon, darkness,loneliness and fear.

They all come together to hunt me.

Everything is disappearing. Right in front of him he could see all the squads, chunins, jonins, anbus, civilians, children, Hokage, everyone glaring at him. Their eyes filled with hatred and disgust. Hurt and pain.

Why? Why are they after me? What did I do to deserve this?

All of them held out knifes,kunais, brooms,shuriken, anything that is available and prepared to launch themselves at him. Those looks and actions scares him so much.

Naruto shot up from the futon as his body covered with sweat and his mind covered with fear. He looked around to find everyone sleeping but he did not know why but he felt afraid of them. He lay back down and use the blanket to cover his whole body. Fearing for what might come.


Everyone woke up and got prepared. They went downstairs to have breakfast as the jonins decided to walk Naruto up.

"Naruto wake up "said Kakashi.


"Do you think he's alright?" Asked Kurenai.

"If I'm not dreaming last night I think I remember I saw him woke up but went back to sleep" said Asuma.

Kakashi did not answer as he knew what happen last night. He had witnessed the whole scene as it was his shift. He kneeled down and lightly shake Naruto. Naruto shot up in fear and ran to the corner of the room to hide.

Kakashi has seen this before. When he was an anbu, he had seen Naruto act this way. It really hurt him to see him in this state. Eyes full of fear and confusion. He went to the corner and reach out for Naruto only to make him scream.

"Naruto! It's me Kakashi Sensei! Don't you remember? Naruto! " yelled Kakashi.

He went up and shake him until his eyes were focus on him. Both pair of eyes look at each other as tears started to flow in the younger ninja eyes. Naruto then launch himself at Kakashi sobbing in fear.

Kakashi was at first stunned to see him act this way but soon accepted the hug.

"It's ok, I'm here" said Kakashi.

"The civilians... *sniff* they were after me...the squads ... team 7...ji ji...sensei... they were all after me *huff* *sniff* were all after me...I'm scared...what.. did I deserve... this? " Naruto sob in Kakashi chest as his grip on Kakashi tightens.

"It's alright Naruto. It was just a dream. I would not hurt you. None of us would" said Kakashi as he rub Naruto back gently.

The two remaining jonins were shock. They never seen Kakashi or Naruto act this way.

Naruto is hyperactive and positive.

Kakashi is not good with kids.

What happen?! Everything is confusing!


A/N: OK guys, the chapter stops here. I hope you guys love it! Please comment below and don't forget to vote for it. And if I made a mistake or you want me to write a story and you choose the topic... DON'T HESTITATE TO ASK. Thank you, bye ! *^^*

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