Chapter 27 - Fourth Hokage

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A/N: Sorry for that wait. Enjoy.

Chapter 27 : Fourth Hokage


"This is ridiculous! That demon ran away for two years,come back,cause destruction, and you tell me to accept him here?! The village was fine for the pass two years when he left. Now you want him to stay?! " screamed an angry old lady, Koharu Utatane.

"Koharu,calm down. Tsunade, you should know what to do. You're the Hokage. Think about the villagers. Your decisions had already cause the village in chaos. Now this? " Homura Mitokado, sighed in annoyance.

"You should just step down in position of Hokage and let me take over. You youngsters never think thoroughly before deciding " Danzo Shimura, smirked deviously.

"LIKE HELL I'LL STEP DOWN!" Tsunade screamed,glaring at the mummy man.

"The third think about the village first. But look what happen to him now! What his choices lead him. Naruto is not a demon! The demon is in him! And this freak place that you all call a village is full of demons! How dare they hurt an innocent boy!"

"Because of this village cruelty, he have nightmares everyday! No matter what! Awake or asleep, it's like hell to him! And now he wants revenge here! His own home! You people make me sick! You three,Danzo Shimura, Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane are to step down as Konoha councils!"

"WHAT?!" the three named people screamed in unsion.

"You can't do that! We are the eldest of this village!" Screamed Koharu.

"Yes I can. I am the Hokage. And your time has come to an retirement." Tsunade said.

"Guards, send them out, and bring Naruto Uzumaki to me" Tsunade command.

"Yes, Hokage-Sama " the two chunins bowed and drag the three old folks out of the room.

*Training Ground 7*

Naruto sat under the three he use to sit with his team. He sighed trying to process what is happening. Suddenly,he felt a shadow moving around. He stood up.

"I know you're there,Kakashi "

"Aww... how boring. You found me so easily. You had improve " Kakashi tease as he approach the boy with a smirk on his face under his mask.

"I have no time for you Kakashi " Naruto sighed,turning away.

"Ehh?? Kakashi?? Where did the sensei go? Hmm... you must have forgotten me" Kakashi fake pouted.

Naruto rolled his eyes.

"No I didn't,sensei "



Naruto then let himself fall to the ground,landing on the soft,silky grass. Kakashi then sat next to the lying boy.


"Hmm? "

"Are you a family member of mine?"

Kakashi turned to the younger male and stare at him, what feels like hours. After a few minutes more of silence,he finally replied.

"What makes you think that?"

"Well...when I was young"

"You're still young now " Kakashi chuckled.

" know what I mean. Anyway,you always care for me...even though you don't show it... and yesterday,you said I was the only family you left"

Kakashi then sighed. The boy really grown a lot. Even though his size is still like a genin, his brain is like a jounin. He can even conclude this without even having second thoughts or hesitating.

" know the fourth Hokage, right?'

Naruto nodded.

"He is my sensei. He took me in after my dad died. And for my mom,she died giving birth to me. He didn't technically took me in... he just... treat me like a son. But I don't live with him"

"What dies the fourth have to do with you taking care of me?" Naruto questioned as he frown, trying his best to think.

"I wanted to repay him. And for in return, I wanted to take care something or rather someone precious to him" Kakashi continued,not bothering to answer his question.

"To take care of his son. The one who he sealed the kyuubi inside. Which is you...Naruto... Uzumaki "

Naruto eyes widen.

"This got to be some kind of sick joke" Naruto spat with anger.

"It's not a jok- "

"THEN WHY WOULD HE SEALED A CURSE FUTURE IN HIS OWN SON?!" Naruto stood up and yelled in anger.

Kakashi stood up too. In case the boy went bazaar.

"Why...w-why would he..." tears starts to roll down Naruto's cheek.

Kakashi pulled him in an embrace.

"Sometimes,parents could do wrong things for the right reasons. Just remember this, Naruto, your family loves you no matter what. Okay? "

Naruto sniff and nodded.

Suddenly appear out a chunin.

"Naruto Uzumaki. By the orders of the Hokage, you are to go to the Hokage Tower,now"


A/N: OK guys, the chapter stops here. I hope you guys love it! Please comment below and don't forget to vote for it. And if I made a mistake or you want me to write a story and you choose the topic... DON'T HESTITATE TO ASK. Thank you, bye ! *^▁^*

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