CHP 1: when two opposite meets

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" Get ready Aisha, we are leaving for your uncle's house" my mom said as she entered my room and then went away giving me the angry look. Today we were leaving for my uncles house and the whole house was in chaos. I was so happy that we were going for our cousins wedding and will stay there until marriage is over.

We were going to celebrate it with my cousins,friends,relatives and some of my dads so called important friends. Mom told me that they even had some surprise for me. Weird. Apparently there was some important person i was supposed to meet.
I decended the stairs and came outside to see our bags being loaded into the car. I took a deep breath and relaxed. Here we go....

After reaching to my uncles mansion i went towards the temporary room that was assigned to me as there were people arranging our stuff in our room. I wanted to ask a thousand question about who that person is but my mom ignored me and dragged my dad away from me. Dad kept giving me worried glances and kept on talking to mom about something in hushed voice.

I did as i was told and went and sat in the guest room reading a fashion magazine when someone came in I thought it might be some of my cousins but then...I heard click noise.
I looked up to find a guy with black hair and gray eyes coming towards my direction, he didn't looked Indian infact he looked like a gangster or worst, a Rapist because of the kind of clothes he was wearing, his eyes were full of mischief as he came towards my direction. I stood up and glared at him.

"excuse me, do i know you?" i asked but he still didn't reply and kept coming forward at this point i was trying hard not to panic.

" who are you a..and..wh..why did you locked the d..door OPEN IT right now" I ordered him but he didn't budge.
I was panicking because the outcome of such scenes in movies are usually not good.

" And what if I don't,baby " he said and kept coming towards me till I was cornered towards the wall.

" you will have to face its consequences" I said confidently and he let out a laugh. He was too close to me,closer than i had ever allowed a guy to be

"you will make me face consequences" saying this he put his hands on both the sides of face and was leaning forward. I did the first thing my mind said and punched him on the face and hit his groin area.
He let out a grunt and fell on the ground cursing me in pain. I quickly opened the door and ran towards the living room where my parents and my uncle were talking with a couple whom I didn't knew, even they didn't looked Indian.

"uncle!! Uncle!!! there is a weird crazy guy up there" I said panting.

" who's up there?" uncle asked with a confusion and shock.

" A crazy guy" I replied catching my breath.

Then HE came down with frown and anger on his face.

"Mom I am not gonna marry this manic girl who hit me when I approached her" he said angrily and my world stilled. Marry?

I looked towards my mom to find she was throwing daggers towards me with her eyes and that couple who were his PARENTS looking towards me with amusement in their eyes. My body was now filling up with range towards this guy.

" Even I am not interested in marrying an idiot like you who behaves like a rapist" I said angrily.
then I realize what I had done. Shit!! shit!! shit!! now I am gonna get a big lecture about my etiquettes.

" I HATE YOU " he said with with so much pride that it made me all the more angry

" Believe me the feelings are same" I said annoyed.

" will you both stop insulting each other now." my mom said angrily to both of us.

"Addy and Ayesha GO IN YOUR ROOM" my uncle said in a stern voice.
Right now all our relatives who had came to attend my cousins marriage were looking at us with amusement clear in their eyes.

"Hey chill old man no need to get all started ok" Addy said.

"ADDY!!! GO IN YOUR ROOM, NOW " his mother shouted him.
I felt happiness filling in my heart, he deserved it BRAT.

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