chp 50: marriage part 2

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Addy's POV:
We had arrived to New York for our second wedding which was at night giving us few hours to get ready. I was nervous, even though i am already married to her i was still nervous. I had always Dreamed this day, the day when i will be standing in the church waiting for my bride to come so that we can take oaths. Though the memory had become hazy as i grew but i remember thinking how will i react after seeing my bride. I always believed i won't cry after seeing her but now.... Even i didn't knew if i would cry or not. 

" Addy are you ready? " my dad came inside with mom behind him. Even though me and my mom were o talking terms now, but we didn't had that old rapport where we both were comfortable around each other. Guess, somethings are hard to be mend.

"yes dad almost ready" i said wearing my coat and my mom came forward to hug me.

"Addy" my mom said and i stiffened.

"yes? "

" Thanks for letting Ana out to attend this wedding, sweety" she said smiling before moving away.

"I did this for Aisha and for myself too because i didn't wanted to have a wedding without my baby sister. " i said continuing the rest of the part in my mind.

" I should thank Aisha then " she said giving me a sad smile and walking away. I couldn't see her sad especially on my wedding day.

"Mom" i said and she turned around.

"yes? "

" And i did it for you too Mom, because i know how much you miss her, Love you mom" i said and she started crying.

"Thank you so much Addy " she said wiping her tears. I took a deep breath to calm myself down as the time for going out had arrived.

"well let's go now " i said and we all went outside.  I stood at the end of the alter waiting for her. I knew she must have cried after seeing Ana and will be getting late due to redoing her make up. I mentally smiled thiking about it.  I had told my New assistant to pick up Ana from prison and leave her in the room where Aisha was getting ready. The only reason they allowed me to take her was that a police officer will be coming with her and After the wedding she would be taken back.  Even though my heart clinched knowing she will have to go back i knew she was wrong and had to face the punishment.

Shut up Addy no sad thoughts today. You are getting married and you should focus on today, today you have your whole family with you, even Ana enjoy her presence until it lasts,don't think too much. 
I was lost in my thoughts when i heard the music go indicating the bride was arriving. I looked towards  the asile seeing Aisha and Ana walking down. Aisha was wearing a while color gown with tiara and red roses in her hand and behind her was Ana as a brides maid. She was wearing pink color gown with white roses in her hand. One look at Aisha and i knew she had cried. I couldn't stop myself from crying thinking we were here after going through so much hardships. Ana looked towards me and smiled making me remember every happy moments we had with each other and seeing her after such a long time with dull eyes i wanted to hug her.I looked towards Aisha and saw she was smiling too. The two most important girls in my life were walking down the aisle right now toward me and i so overwhelmed with happiness i couldn't stop myself from crying. I looked at Aisha and i knew she knew what i was feeling. She came near the aisle and i extended my hand, her father gave her hand in mine and stood at side.
Her Hands were cold due to nervousness. I held her cold hands in mine giving it a squeeze and she looked up at me, i gave her a reassuring smile and she returned it back. The priest started the ceremony and made us say our vows after which he asked me
" Do you, Addy take Aisha as your wife?" he asked and i looked towards her and smiled while saying
"I do and i promise you Aisha that from this day onwards you will not walk alone,my arms will be your shelter and my heart will be your home, and i will always be there with you " then he looked towards Aisha and said.
"Do you ,Aisha take Addy as your husband? " he asked.She was so nervous that her hands were shaking i gave her hands a gentle squeeze again to tell her i was here with her.
"I do" she said.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife, The groom may kiss the bride now" he said and i leaned forward to kiss her and the crowd roared in cheers.
After the vows were over people came to congratulate us. I nodded but my eyes was at Ana who was sitting on the chair quitly not looking anywhere else but down on the ground fidgeting with fingers. My heart ached at seeing her like this. I looked towards Aisha and she understood and she blinked her eyes telling me to go ahead. I excused myself and went towards her.

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