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I had went to sleep early yesterday or should I say I cried myself to sleep. I still couldn't forget those peoples laughing faces. Right now I just wished the earth to burst open and swallow that dumb stupid Addy inside. But anyhow I got up and got ready. I looked at the time and it was only 7:50am in morning and as much as I knew everyone would be sleeping right now. So I decided to make some breakfast for me because last night I didn't eat dinner, as i was not in a mood to do so. My mom had knocked on the door asking me why was i not coming to eat dinner with them but i gave the excuse that I didn't felt good. Somehow after lots of pleading from my side she agreed to leave me alone.

I came out of my room and was going towards stairs when a hand came out of the Addy's room and dragged me inside. I couldn't even shout for help because his hands were covering my mouth. I tried to get out of his grip but he was too strong for me to escape. He dragged me inside the room and released me. I pushed him back and tried to escape but he caught my hand and dragged me towards him and caught my both hands down. We were close, too close for me to be able to smell his breath mixed with peppermint.

" leave me you idiot " I said trying to get out of his grip and avoiding his eye contact.

"Okay i will,but first you have to forgive me" he said with a Nervous look.

" please Addy leave me alone" I said in a calm tone. Because I didn't wanted to do anything that I will regret later.

" I can't.... " he whispered frustrated and sad

" what? Why?" I was shocked by his sudden change of tone.

"Because I don't like to be scolded by my mom because of YOU, God knows why does she adores you so much, because for Me you are a headache" he said harshly after coming out of his thoughts.

" Then its good for you that I am angry at you, because from now on you will not have me to bother you, You will go to your way and i will go mine" I said in angry tone and started to walk towards the door.
How could he just say that? what did I do to deserve this harshness? I will not cry because of him ,he doesn't even deserves my tears
Then suddenly he came from behind me lifted me up on his shoulders and threw me on the bed and Hovered over me. I shrieked due to this sudden movement and tried to push him off. I hated his nearness to me. It was suffocating.

" Get off me you mountain!!" I shouted

"No not happening, and last time i checked girls didn't mind me being near to them, no I am not moving until you accept my apology"he said smirking.

"NO I WILL NOT " I said in a angry tone.

" I know I went overboard but...." He said with a sad expression

" but what Addy?I will never forgive you, you made me laughing stuff in front of them, Just..just get off " I said frustrated.

" huh! now you have left me with no other option Aisha" he said in a playful tone and i was left confused with his sudden change in emotions towards me.

" what will you " I said raising my eyebrows daring him.

"This" he said and started tickling me

"....aaahah..ahahah leave..m..haha..e.hahahahahah......" i said in between laughs

"not until you accept my apology" he was grinning like an idiot from ear to ear while ticking me.
" neve.....hahaha..r..hahaha leave... hahaha....leave..... Me " i said trying to push him but one of his hands were holding my hands up.

" you can forgive me at any time....but obviously before its too late and you pass out while laughing "

"ok...haha...okok.I..I forgive you." after me saying that he got aside with a smirk. I quickly stood up and went towards the door but not before punching him in gut and telling him how stupid he is,but Addy being Addy just laughed at it. When I came out of the room I didn't noticed it before but I still had smile on my face a genuine smile and not the fake one I usually meet people with. He was weird in his antics and crazy.

I went downstairs to find my mom and Addy's mom talking about something. I went towards them.

"Good morning mom, good morning aunty" I said to both of them.

"good morning" both said while unnaturally smiling towards me. They were smiling like they are soo happy to see me. did I missed a joke here?

"what were you both doing in Addy's room" my mom asked with a playful look and everything became clear

I am soo dead now...


My whole family was eating breakfast chatting animatedly with each other except me because Addy was sitting right beside me and stealing my breakfast and putting all the things he didn't liked in my plate.
Why do i have to deal with this adult child?
Is he really the same Addy people talk about being a player? And if it's true...then what does he play with those girls... Chess?

" why can't you stop stealing my breakfast" I whispered harshly.

"because I love doing it baby" he said cooley.

"first thing I am not your baby and neither I am interested in being and second thing I still hate you" saying this and I was going to get up when uncle spoke.

" I hope you all remember we are going to start with marriages different rituals from tommorow onwards" uncle said.

" what is this old man speaking about marriage rituals we do have 5 days until marriage right?" he said nudging me.

"In Indian culture we have many rituals before a girl gets married and you will definitely get to know it tommorow itself " I said hiding a grin.

I really wish you get all soaked in haldi tomorrow so that this ugly face of yours gets some glow. And my imagination ran wild making me dream about people forcefully applying haldi on his face whie he is telling them not to. I really wish that this happens to you, that's how you will realize how does it feels when someone forces you to do things you hate. Out of no where my counscuouss came and told how bad it was of me to think of harming someone and i let out a breath

God I was becoming evil by staying around with this devil.

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