CHP 23: Insecurities.

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Aishas pov:

"Addy I can't see anything and it's scaring me" I said for the fifth time.

" Aisha for God's sake just keep quiet for a minute because someone is trying to control their nerves here" he said annoyed.

"oh really and who is that person" I asked amused because I never saw Addy getting all worked up and nervous I was so tempted to remove the ribbon and see him like this.

"Aisha do you want me to tape up your mouth" he said irritated.

"ok ok Mr angry bird, I am done talking" I said and I knew he must have rolled his eyes at this. He was standing behind me and I felt him taking a deep breath before he said.

" okay so now you are gonna see the person I love,okay?"

" okay" I replied trying to sound as excited as possible.
He removed the silk ribbon from my eyes and it took some time for my eyes to adjust to brightness of the room. The first person I saw after opening my eyes was my reflection in the mirror and it felt like time had stopped somehow I blinked several times to see if what I am seeing is true or just a illusion.

Addy loves me!!!??? Was the first thought that came in my mind.
This can't be possible maybe it's some lame joke to annoy me. maybe he will laugh at me and say 'how can you believe that I love you' and then a beautiful woman will come out of somewhere who will be his love.

"Aisha" Addy said bringing me back to reality.

"huh...Yes" I said blinking again .

"so?" He asked raising his eyebrows from the mirror while his expression held of nervousness and at that Moment I realized how dangerously close he was standing behind me. I moved a little to create a distance between us.

" So where is the girl you are going to propose " I said turning around towards him and he looked confused "I hope you are psychologically stable and she is not a imaginary character or something" I said faking a laugh.

"You can't see any girl here?" He questioned

" no I don't see any girl here except me"

"Thank god at least you know you are a girl" he said looking annoyed and I planned on leaving the room, as I turned around to leave the room he held my hand and I felt my cheeks heat up and I turned around towards him.
It's insane how just by his touch I am blushing now.

"Aisha"he said with the expression of disbelief and hurt.
"you just saw her" he said looking down for a moment

"But I saw my reflection" I whispered looking down feeling heartbroken to see him like this.

"maybe I have to do in the old style" he muttered enthusiastically before going on knees and my eyes widened with shock.

"Addy!!!" I said in surprise as he held my hands while going on knees.

" Aisha even though I am trying to hint you from forever now, I just want you to know that I love you and its not just attraction or something else but only love which I have for you. You annoy me so much that sometimes I want to put a tape on your mouth to shut you up but I never feel the urge to leave you, I always want to be with you even though you make me want to scream for life. You have changed me in a way no one could ever have and I am thankful for it." He said and the intensity of truth in his eyes made me not to look away from them. "I can never describe what do I love about you, because there is nothing in this world that I don't love about you, I know I am not good at this proposing thing and I am not like those cheesy guys from romantic films and novels who proposes someone with ring and a fancy dinner,heck I don't even know how to propose someone because it's the first time I have to propose someone and that's why I am just rambling I don't even know if I am making sense to you but " he closed his eyes taking a deep breath and continued " I just want you to know that I love you and everything about you and that's why I need you to trust me please"

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