CHP 20: stolen.

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Aishas pov:
We were sitting in Addys study room facing each other and Addy was behaving weird. He was smiling looking at his phone and not just a small formal smile, a care free smile which is rare to see on his face and it was distracting, I couldn't work properly on my laptop because I caught him looking towards me but as I looked towards him he averted his gaze.
"what the hell is he watching?" I thought.
" maybe he is watching some slutty pictures of Fiona" my mind said and I looked towards him with a shock only to find him looking towards me.

"what did you just said?" Addy asked keeping his phone aside and my eyes widened with shock. did I said that aloud.

"what!...I..I didn't said a..a..anything"

"you thought something"

"no I didn't"

" yes you did "

"NO I didn't"

" Aisha I am not such a bad guy as you think" he said calmly" and I am not watching anything that came into your stupid mind" he said little sternly.

" did you just said me stupid?"

"No I said your mind stupid"

"you indirectly said me stupid"

" yes,because I should have said I am with stupid"

" I hate you "

" believe me the feeling are same"

" hey it's my line,you stole it,I can file a case against you"

" even you stole my line,so even I can sue you"

" excuse me sir and ma'am" the air hostess said

"WHAT! " we both said together giving her death glare and the poor air hostess looked towards us with fear. I realize we were arguing like kids once again. Ughhhh

" Oh, I am sorry what did you wanted" I asked politely.

" would you both like to have something." She asked looking towards Addy but talking to me .

I rolled my eyes. one more girl drooling over him.

"I think I would like a cappuccino" I said looking towards her.

"And for you sir?"

" one red wine for me" Addy said looking towards his phone again and ignoring her and she went smiling broadly at Addy even though he was ignoring her. I rolled my eyes Again, I think I have started doing it a lot more since I met him.
As our drinks arrived I sipped my cappuccino while working on my laptop. I looked up to find Addy looking towards me and my heart skipped a beat.

"w..what?" I asked nervously.

" you have your cappuccino foam over your lips" he said still looking towards me.

" oh " I said and unconsciously licked the foam over my lips. Suddenly he clenched his fist and his expression grew guarded I looked into those gray eyes of his and found emotions of both love and lust in them and I felt my heart hammering in my chest. He bend forward suddenly and was just 10 cm away from my face my heart started beating faster I was afraid that I might faint any minutes.
IS HE GONNA KISS ME?. My conscience mind screamed.

"Next time use a napkin to wipe that foam off your lips It's not every time I have a good self control" he said looking straight into my eyes and before I could recover from all this shock he stood up taking my cappuccino with him and walked towards another room.

"H..hey th...that's cappuccino" I said revolting. He stopped in his track and looked back

"This plane is mine and everything that is in it is MINE" he said and went away leaving me In complete shock of what happened few minutes ago.
I blinked several times.
What did just happened over here?
What self control was he talking about?
About kissing you stupid he wanted to kiss you,he loves you Aisha. my heart said and my inner me started doing the happy dance.
Or lust you. My mind said and there goes my inner me sulking again.
I pressed the button near the seat to call air hostess for bringing me new cappuccino.

"Do you want anything miss " she asked.

" Yes one more cappuccino please"

" Sorry mam but we don't have any more of it"

"what ! In this plane you don't have ingredients to make one more cup of cappuccino"

She looked towards the door through which Addy went before saying silently.

" I am sorry mam but sir has told us not to give you any more of cappuccino" she said and my jaw dropped.
What's wrong with him?

" Ok thanks then"

I looked towards the door through which he went ,deciding whether I should go and argue with him about this and get my cappuccino back. But then I decided against it knowing this plane might not have parachute if I wanted to jump off incase Addy got angry or lost his so called 'self control'
I mentally reminded myself to bring parachute next time while traveling with Addy in his jet.
It's so strange that sometimes when you feel you can never fell in love with someone and there comes a person confidently putting the right key to your hearts lock and stealing it like it's no big deal and it's so easy to do it. While there are some people you meet who can't even figure it out which key to put and they just give up.
Guess Addy just knew which key it was and just stole my heart. Yes like he stole your cappuccino. My mind said.
And I Laughed at it. Yes just like my cappuccino. He came suddenly out of nowhere making me lost in those grey eyes of his and before I could figure out what was happening I had already lost what was mine.
Basically love was just a four letter word for me, until it's meaning changed with another four letter word- Addy.
I decided to continue my work ,while doing it I got so tired that I didn't realize when I fell asleep on the chair.

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