Chp 42: News

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Few months later....
Addys pov :

My alarm rang and i woke up with a jolt and went about to do my routine. It has been few months since that incident with Ana and she was in.... Prison right now. I never went to see her because it was heard for me to go and act like she didn't just tried to destroy my life. Mom was still not talking to me to a point where when i went to meet her she told the security person to not let me in and if i even step at her house she will disown me. Dad...well he had aged quite a lot, after that incident, he got cardiac problem and high blood pressure problem. As for me....i was surviving quite well actually ,with spending as much as time as i can in work and gym and then sleeping for few hours. I had abandoned my room after that incident and was staying in the guest room because those memories were too much for me to not think about after that incident.

"sir, your Breakfast is ready." grace said coming towards my room.

"ok i will be there in five." i said and she went away.

Relationship between me and grace which was like that of mother and child has also changed. She has stopped calling me aady and only addresses me with 'sir', Maybe even she is holding me responsible for Ronald being in jail. I looked myself in mirror and saw my reflection ,everything looked fine except my eyes, they looked hollow like tired of showing or feeling any emotions. I missed Aisha so much and as much as i just want to stay with her in hospital i knew I couldn't ignore my company because my dad was not capable of handling it due to his conditions.

I ate my breakfast silently and headed for office. While driving the only thing on my mind was till how long i have to bear these days without anyone i love around me.

God, i know you are up there listening and seeing all these. Maybe i am going through some trial but i am tired now please make my life happy again. Truth to be told Aisha believes in you more than i do, so please god just bring her back to me. I said praying a silent prayer. As i reached near my company a call came on my phone.
I removed my phone from pant pocket to see it was Aisha's doctor calling me. my heartbeats were running fast not knowing what to expect.

"Hello." i said holding my breath.


"yes doctor."

" Aisha has waken up."

"what!!! " I screamed.

" yes but we have to do some test on her to see she is alright."

"okay so how much time will it take before i can meet her?"

" we will do it as fast as we can."

"No!!" i said in hurry

"what? " he said shocked.

"I mean to say can you please take as much time as you can, say around one hour." I said face palming myself at how stupid i must have sounded.

"okay" he said weirdly.

"yeah, thank you." i said and ended the call.

Seriously just one sincere prayer? If i knew it i would have done it earlier.

I had a plan in my mind and i smirked thinking about it.
Let the fun begin Mrs.
I quickely dialed another number.

"Hello come here as fast as you can." i said on the phone.

"but..." he said.

"just come here already."

"okay." he said.

"And dont forget to bring your stuff." i said and ended the call then called Aisha's parents and informed them about it. They were more than happy but said that they can't come until the weather conditions get stable and it won't be a lie if i said i felt little happy knowing that i can have her alone with me for sometime more.

I seriously hope you're ready for some fun Aisha.

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