chp 37: revenge.

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I walked towards the warehouse where they had kept Ronald with only one thought in my mind REVENGE. I wanted him to suffer for all that he has Done to us, right from making my own employees against me to trying to kill Aisha.
Steve saw me coming towards him.

"sir" he said and opened the warehouse door where Ronald was and followed me inside towards the room where he was kept.
As Steve opened the door I was face to face with Ronald who was tied to a chair with a broken lip and cuts on his face and his head due to Steves punches for getting him to speak about who was involved with him in this plan. Steve had told me everything, he told me how he was the one who tried make my employees go against me and he was the one who had threatened Ishan to tell lies and he was the one who had called me the other morning to tell me that Aisha was cheating on me.

" hey buddy.....happy to see me" I said smirking and he lifted his head up, his face forming a frown seeing me.

"I am not going to say or reveal anything to you" He shouted and I laughed a humorous laugh before my smirk returned on my face.

" you really think I am here to ask you questions huh?" I said smirking and his expression grew neutral but I could see fear in his eyes which was feeding my inner demons with power.

" come on buddy you have been staying with me for years, you know if I want something, I WILL GET IT" I said smirking and sitting in front of him while his eyes followed my every movement with fear.

" what are here for?" He asked shuttering.

"For revenge" I said with an pure evil smile and I saw a shiver going through his body at my tone.
I never acted like this, I never had this strong urge for torturing someone to death. My inner demons were making all the good in me sink in its pool of evilness and revenge. All i could see was red.

" Steve" I said looking towards Ronald as Steve understood what I meant and went outside the room only to be returned with a person.

"Remember him?" I asked as Ronalds eyes widened with realization.

" YOU" Ronald said looking at the scared person who was one of my employees and the person who made my staff and people against me on Ronalds wishes.

"See I told you I get what I want" I said smirking at Ronald. " what did you thought, I wouldn't find out who was the one insulting me and my Aisha in the crowd" I said and the image of Aisha covered in her own blood crossed through my mind. "If you remember we have cameras all around our building you know" I said as the previous event of that day crossed my mind and I restrained myself from smashing the guys head on the wall.
It's Ronald who is behind all of this. A voice in me said.
"The poor guy told us about everything you and the girl with you made him to do, and all it required was some punches on his face. Don't worry we will soon find who your partner was and then she will have to face my revenge too" I said laughing as his face showed more fear.
The little voice in me told not to do what I was planing to do with him but a larger voice in me ,which wanted revenge told me that he deserves it.

" Steve get him out of my sights and bring what I had told you to bring in." I said referring to the factory guy. Steve dragged him out and came inside with a box full of beaded pins.

"Now let's begin the game... for each wrongful act of yours I will insert ten of these pins inside you" I said taking pins in my hand and examining its bluntness, wanting it to hurt more when the pins pierce his skin.

" I...I am sorry sorry...please I won't do it again" He said pleading me and my body was filled with range.

"You were enjoying when we were suffering, didn't you? So now I will enjoy as you suffer from what you deserve" I said growing angrily and Steve stood beside me quietly.

" Ok so now let's divide these pins for each one of your act." I said smiling evilly. "10 for making my employees go against me, 10 for threatening to kill my fiancee, 10 for making me hurt her by doubting her, 10 for making her cry on all those nights which I hurt her, 10 for pushing her inside the pool, 10 for shooting her with bullets and most importantly 10 for betraying me" I said angrily as all of those memories of past incidents came into my mind.
I inserted the pins slowly making the whole process more painful for him. As each pin went inside his body and as the whole warehouse echoed his screams of pain I started feeling relief flooding through my body. Each of those pins in his body signified the pain I was forced to go through and each one of his helpless screams signified the helplessness I had felt during all those times. At the end of the whole thing Ronald had became unconscious due to pain and my hands were strained with his blood.

" when he wakes up kill him" I said as I got up to go out.

" I won't" he said and I stopped in my track.

"what did you just said?" I asked frowning.

"I am sorry sir but I can't do this...this might lead you and me into serious trouble" he said looking towards me and I understood what he meant.

" okay don't kill him, we will hand him to police but before that I want you to find out who the girl is and I want you to torture him as much as you can and as much as he can bear without dying. If needed call the doctor to cure him before hurting him again" I said as I exited the warehouse.

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