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Aisha's POV:

"why do you behave like bipolar sometimes?"I asked him getting curious. He gulped down and took a deep breath.

"I don't want you to feel bad or sad after listening to it, and please just listen patiently,don't overreact"

"ok" now he is making me feel scared.

" our parents....they want us to get married . But I said a clear NO to my mom and dad for it even before I met you. I said them I love Fiona but they didn't listened to me"

My heart was beating fast at the mention of this girl name Fiona ,my heart ached a little after knowing he loved her but I kept my face devoid of any sadness and hurt. The skill I was forced to learn overtime because of being rich.

"Then this deal came from my fathers said that if I don't marry YOU I will loose all my balance in my bank and I will be disowned of all the companies I owned. My own Dad did this to me,how could he?"he paused and looked at me and I gave him an encouraging smile.

"But then I found a loop hole in this agreement and it was you. what!!. It said if I didn't marry you I will be disowned but.. if YOU rejected me so I will have nothing to loose" he said looking towards me looking towards my Expression.


" I made this plan to behave like a jerk with you and that's why.....I.. Um tried that stunt with you when we met."he looked a bit embarrassed.
He looked towards me again and smirked while saying "because you know no one can resist my charm"
I rolled my eyes.
"hey! What did you just do? "he asked in shock.

"what did I do now" I said little panicked.

"you just rolled your eyes! Hell I didn't even knew you can do that"he said trying to lighten the thick tension growing.

"shut up and drive now" I said laughing. I was laughing outside but god only knew I was breaking from inside.

" and then as you know you started hating me and I was so happy until.." he stopped.

"until?"I asked a bit confused.


"untill what addy?" I asked again curiosity taking best of me. I could see a look of pain in his eyes and it went as quickly as it came.

" until I saw you were crying because of me, I felt bad, really bad to involve you in all these things because I couldn't loose my companies, I felt I was selfish but I still continued then my dad put another deal in front of me....."he took a deep breath "he told if I don't want to loose any of my companies so I have to marry any India girl, either you or any other girl"

"I am sorry " I blurted out .

" for what? " he looked confused.

"That you had to go all through this "I said silently.

"huh It's not your fault ,it should be my dad and not you who should apologize " he said laughing a sarcastic laugh. I saw it, he was hurt deep down and there was something bothering him.

" you know that man ,who I call my dad .....he is not worth it.....he never spent any quality time with me and Never understood what I wanted. "he breath out."he only wants money and nothing more,it was my mom who supported me when he thought I couldn't do something GREAT like him."he said with a voice lace in venom and then stopped and looked towards me."you know, Fiona was the one who helped me when I needed someone (I wish it was me)and that's why I love her,she is not with me for my money but ME" his eyes!his eyes were sparkling while talking about her and I knew he loved her and in that moment I realised that deep inside he was a boy who was hurt and found comfort in physical affection. I was so engrossed in thinking about him that I didn't realize we reached home. I quickly got out of the car thanked him and went upstairs towards my room. Addy called out to me but i ignored him and went upstairs towards my room. My stomach was paining because of that blow.

To cry,For him,For me and for the fact that he can never be mine.
And....because I was just a deal for him nothing more,

not even friends .

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