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Today, when I went down towards dinning table I saw a strange thing, everyone was wearing yellow colour dresses. I didn't knew there was a color code for today
I went and sat on a chair between two girls who were Aisha's cousins the two of them were twins and most probably were one or two years younger than me.
" good morning" they said with a cheerful smile as I sat between them.

"good morning to you too, so any plans for today?"I asked smiling.

"No nothing as such, do you have any plans for us?" one of them asked.

" yup ,why don't you both show me your city today" I said

"great plan,but as far as I remember yesterday you went with Aisha right" another girl said

" yes but she is not exactly a good tourist guide which I deserve"

" so do you deserve a tourist guide like us" the first one said raising an eyebrow.

" I feel I deserve a tourist guide like both of you, who are friendly and sexy" I said.
Suddenly Aisha's mom asked us to go and get sweets boxes. no way. But before I could say anything aisha replied

"please mom can I go alone, I don't want him to come with me, otherwise I will again put him in trouble." she said sarcastically.
what is her problem now?

" dude neither I am interested in coming with you ,so don't worry enjoy yourself I have company with me." I said looking towards the two of the girls sitting on either side beside me and they just giggled looking towards me.
And she started eating quietly I noticed that she was the only one of all her cousins who was wearing simple clothes. Then I saw my sister nudging her and noticed her expression changing while their talks. She looked lost before she said me to come with her . I clearly expressed my disliking towards her decision but then she said me that she will tell what happened yesterday night to my mom. It's not like I am afraid of her but I just love my mom too much to see hurt in her eyes. Because my mom was the only one to support me when my Dad thought I was useless and a stain to his reputation.
And before mom could ask any more questions about yesterdays night I agreed to come with her.
I was angry because no one, I mean no one has ever blackmailed me but she did. That girl has some serious guts
When I came out she was standing there in her own thoughts seeing me she asked from when did I brought the bike so I replied what I felt like telling her and she quietly came and sat behind me I gave her my hamlet to wear but she didn't took it, i looked behind using my side mirror to see her lost in her own thoughts and playing with her fingers. I brought her out of her thoughts and she just shuttered as if afraid of me. I assured her that I won't do anything unless she decides to do something and blame me and she stuttered again I knew she was trying to say sorry, after all i have heard her saying that a lot, and I smiled and asked her if she is okay. I saw in the side mirror that she tried to fake a smile which she miserably failed at .This girl doesn't even know how to hide her emotions.

I just increased the bikes speed and she was already shouting and clinging to me. I even saw her smiling while shouting, as if she was scared as well as enjoying it, till we reached the shop I was half deaf because of her screaming in my ears. we brought the sweets and she thanked the shopkeeper .
We came back to the house and I saw the whole house decorated. what is happening in this house. So I asked Aisha about it and she Started explaining me about this so called haldi ritual. I told her that I am not gonna do it and she said it is perfectly ok. why is she not fighting with me today. Then I realized it was actually me not her that started a fight. I went inside but as careful as possible I mean who would want to be soaked with that yellow paste.

I went in my room and started working on an important meetings presentation which I had to show after reaching home. After 1 hour of working continuously I was tired so I decided to talk to Fiona, my girlfriend, it has been what can say around four days since we talked. I called her but the call straight went to voicemail. Damn Fiona where are you. I went out and saw two girls in garden with yellow paste on their cheeks. Thank God I am still clean.
I took out a cigarette and started smoking it. I was bored and even tired of work. Where would Aisha be right now and what she might be doing . And...I got my answer when something yellow and sticky fell on my head and a metal bowl fell beside me followed by a series of crap and shit . WHY CAN'T THIS GIRL LEAVE ME AT PEACE.
I ran upstairs before she could probably escape only to find terrace empty with a girl standing in a yellow saree. She didn't looked like Aisha at all so I went and asked her if she has seen Aisha anywhere near terrace. She turned around and I was shocked to see that she was none other than Aisha herself. She looked....beautiful , I couldn't help but stare at her beautiful brown eyes which showed the emotions of fear, pain and happiness.
She was the one who broke eye contact and started saying how sorry she was that the bowl fell down etc etc etc but her one sentence caught my attention. 'i cut my hand'.
I grabbed her hand and looked at it sure enough there was a cut not that deep but not that small to be left unattended. I told her to come with me but she said something like my mom would be waiting for me,I told her that her wound is more important right now.
I took her in my room and told her to sit there and I went inside the washroom to get a first aid kit. It felt so weird to know a girl in my room and not for the reason I usually bring them. Get a grip dude, you love Fiona and Aisha is just your friend I thought to myself. I went out opened the box and started cleaning her wound she hissed and tried to remove her hand from mine but I had caught it tightly. After cleaning and dressing her wound I looked up to find her looking towards me smiling. Is something there on my face?
I asked her why she was smiling at first she didn't tell me but then she said
"I was just thinking that you tried so hard not to get even touched by a person who applied haldi and now see yourself ,you are literally soaked in it." she said laughing and her laughter lightened my mood .how can she laugh even when she is hurt. so I did something which I never thought of doing I applied haldi on her face removing it from my forehead and said "see now I even applied it to someone." I was smiling at her reaction she looked as if someone has just proposed her. But she just laughed at It. My whole body felt weird like i was not in control of my mind. I never behaved in such a way even with Fiona but with Aisha doing all these things feels like it's normal .Am I losing my sanity? I have never been so childish, but with felt normal, infact i feel the urge to do it all the more.

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