chp 46 truth revealed.

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Aisha pov:

At times we feel like everything is going the way it should, only to feel that it has started to go otherwise.

"For once leave me alone Aisha" Addy said as he went out of the house banging the door. I huffed at his behavior. What's gotten into him? All i did was ask him what's wrong with him and what had happened when i was in coma. I sat on the couch thinking about what should i do now. Addy was acting like a full time paranoid freak. It was yesterday's incident. I was drinking soup during dinner time and As i poured some pepper in my soup because it tasted so bland, some of it went in my nose and i started sneezing. Maybe I had sneezed only four times before addy started to drag me towards our room and forced me to lie on the bed under a very warm comforter.
"Addy i am fine" i had said as he dialed doctors number.
"hello doctor...." he had started to say but i ran out of the comforter and snatched his phone out of his hand
"Thank you sir but everything is fine" i had said before ending the call as addy glared at me.
And it took a whole day of being 'under observation' and threat to break his phone that he didn't call the doctor. He was so concerned for me that i swear i saw some grey hairs on his head. I don't understand what's wrong with him,if there is something that is bothering him he should tell me, after all i am here to help him. He was not allowing me to work saying 'you have just woken up from coma you should not stress Yourself up.' thanks to maryam,my assistant,for handling my work. Sudden ringing of my phone made me come out of my thoughts. I looked at the caller id to see that Addy was calling me. I was debating whether to pick his call or decline it after his behavior but decided to answer it the third time he called.
I answered the phone but didn't greet him.
"hello Aisha?"
"Aisha i know you are there just speak to me please."
"please Aisha talk to me i am sorry for my behavior. please talk to me as it is i am having a bad day at my work after shouting at you."

I felt bad for him and decided not to give him silent treatment any more.

"It's okay Addy but please don't do it next time. You know i am here to help you right? You can share with me the thing that has kept you all riled up." i said.

"I am sorry Aisha." he whispered sadly and I didn't knew if he was saying sorry for making me angry or because he can't share that piece of information with me. I strongly felt it was for second reason.

I was going to reply him when I heard the door bell ring.

" I guess someone is at door." i said

" are you expecting a company ?" he asked.

"No." i said frowning and standing up to open the door.

"don't open the door, let Grace answer it ,You go and lock yourself in our room." he said worried.

"stop getting so worried Addy i am not a kid and after all those security people outside our house only the known people can come and go." i said Rolling my eyes at his behavior.

" don't judge the book by its cover Aisha." he said.

"what ever Addy." i said annoyed by his puzzled answer.

"please Aisha don't open the door. Let grace do it." he said pleading me. I took a deep breath to calm myself down before saying.

"But grace is not at home." i said and started to walk towards the door.

"but Aisha...." he started but i cut him off

" okay Addy take a break i will keep on talking to you while i open the gate so that if anything happens you will know about it, okay?" i asked and he was silent for few minutes before replying.

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