CHP 2: when things go wrong

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After waking up and getting ready I came out of the room in which I was staying.
There were 4 room on each floor and my room was on the last floor, third floor. I had taken one room, my parents in another,that rapist oops sorry Addy had taken the room next to me and then in another room his parents.

I was so excited for today, we were going shopping for my cousin sisters marriage. I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't realize that there was water is spilled on marble floor and I slipped, before I could fall and hurt myself a pair of two strong hands caught me I looked up to find two gray eyes staring at my brown ones.

" hey you don't need to fall every time you want me to hold you, just tell me if you love my touch" Addy said with a smug which made my whole body hot with anger. I then realized I was still in his arms and he was holding me. Is he for real?

"I HATE YOU,and now leave me" I said angrily.

"okay as you wish" saying so he left me and I fell on the ground with a thud. He just laughed and went downstairs

"ouch! Err Addy you are a idiot" I stood up, dust off my clothes and went down where everyone was eating breakfast. I went and took my seat right opposite to Addy's. The moment he saw me, he smirked and it infuriated me but nevertheless i sat down to eat.
I was having my breakfast when dad spoke.

"umm Aisha we all elders are going out for shopping" he said hesitantly

"okay " I said confused what does he want to say.

"um you are not coming with us, and... showing Addy our city"he said looking towards my mother who gave him a nod of approval

"What!!" I said in shocked and chocked my food. I couldn't breath and was coughing continuously. my family was surrounding me and telling me various things to do. I quickly gulped down a glass of water and felt relief.
I looked up to see CONCERN in Addy's eyes but it went as soon as it came. Was it seriously concern or this is the effect of food choking me.
"But why me? Aren't other people in this place free to show him Our city." I pleaded.

"Aysha" mom said giving me look which said 'be a good girl and show him, you are matured enough' I let out a sigh. My mom knew her ways out, she didn't liked being disobeyed which left me with no other option but to agree
"Ok " I said half heartedness and not feeling hungry anymore.

At 6 in evening.....

We were going in bus because some stupid person didn't trust me well enough and said I would murder him if we go alone in our Dad's car.

I took our ticket and said him to come sit beside me because he being new in India might get into some trouble, which I really wish. He had even declined bring guards with us Because he wanted to see what being 'Normal' looks like. In my opinion he was far away from Normal.
When i asked him again he just looked at me with a look that said ' see yourself ,you are not even of the standard of girl I talk to.'

"Fine" I said in an annoyed tone and he smirked and went and sat beside a girl wearing a white colour see through top. Shit did he just went and sat on ladies seat!!
" hey, you free tonight" he said holding the girl's hand she looked petrified and tried removing her hand from his. other people who were in the bus started looking towards them.
Now double, triple shit!! What the hell is he doing this is not New York for god's sake, infact you can't just go around touching girls, that's insane!!

" koi bachao muja ya mera hath nahi chod raha hai( please someone save me he is not leaving my hand) ". The girl sitting beside him shouted in hindi

"sorry I dint quite understand what you are saying, please can you repeat it again" Addy said confused.
Around Three to four people stood up surrounding him

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