chp 48: shocked me.

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Aisha's POV:
I was so tired with all these rituals going on in my uncles house for

When my uncle came to know that i am getting married he insisted that i should get married from his house as according to him our love story started from his house. I was happy until i realized the room that i was given was the one in which Addy had stayed when he visited india on my cousins marriage. I didn't know if it was accidental or on purpose but the broad smile my aunt gave me said it all. It was all planned. As much as i wanted to ask them about it, i decided to act like i don't remember if Addy stayed over here because sometimes acting naive saves you from embarrassment and in my case from getting roasted by my cousins.

" wow Aisha your mehandi (henna) is looking so beautiful" one of my cousins commented.

"Thank you" i replied smiling.

" I bet Addy won't be able to search his name in it" Emily said laughing. It's another very famous ritual in India the groom has to search for his name in the brides hand. The name is written such a way that it gets camouflages with the mehandi design. I knew he won't be able to because it will be very difficult for him to find it. The function was in the full swing but i felt tired of sitting so i told my mom "Mom i am tired and am going to my room "

"ok sweety do you want me to help you?"

"No Mom I will manage and if i need any help i will tell one of the maid " i said with a smile and went upstairs after kissing my mom good night. I went inside my room and closed the door behind me and was surrounded with silence. I always knew silence can be calming but right now i was experiencing it. The cool breeze coming from the balcony made me go and sit on the chair kept there. Everything was so silent. Everything was changing. I was moving into new phase of my life. I will be getting married tomorrow but i still clearly remember everything. I still remember How i met addy, i still remember how we both changed and i still remember the day i was leaving New York to come to india.

I was packing my bags with the help of grace and other people when we heard main door being banged on the wall. We froze, no one moving an inch then we heard Addy's anger filled voice calling me. Grace looked towards me with concern and i looked towards her trying to tell her it's okay i will manage when in reality i was nervous. She quickly moved out of the room before Addy could enter. I was continuously praying that Addy doesn't kill me, because the way his voice sounded i knew i was in big trouble. The door opened to reveal a calm and emotionless Addy standing there. Seeing him calm and not mad in anger made me want to faint because there are two types of anger, one in which you shout and scream at people and another one in which you are so calm and composed that the person cannot predict the future action of yours.
Addy was in the second one right now.
I decided to act like nothing happened.

"oh h..hi Addy you c.. Came early today?" i said trying to act confident and cringed when i stuttered.

"well,well, well what do we have here a deer caught in headlight."

"Addy..." i started to say but he cut me off

"why did you do it? " he asked folding his hands on his chest.

"Huh? "

"I am going to ask you this one last time, why did you send your mom to take my mom to meet Ana in prison" he asked clinching his fist. I gulped down in nervousness. I didn't knew he would be so angry at me about it.

"because I didn't wanted you to get married without your parents blessings "

"you did knew this plan could backfire right?" he asked in a dangerously calm Tone. I nodded my head saying a yes.

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