CHP 13 : I wish I met you before

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Addy pov :

Aisha looked tired and lost in her own thoughts, though I was driving but I knew something was going on in her mind.

" are you alright Aisha ? " I asked her while driving.

" huh...yeah...yeah I am." She said coming out from her thoughts.

"you look tired, I think you should sleep"

"No it's okay ,I will go home and sleep"

" Don't worry I will not murder you" I said teasing her. I had seen her watching many crime shows on tv while our stay.
Her eyes widened
"Don't even say it ,it makes me think more bad about you"

" oh so you already think bad about me huh?" I said hiding emotion of hurt. Why does what she thinks about me matters to me?


" oh so you are giving me silent treatment now, I think it should be me who must be angry at you don't you think so" I said loosing control over my anger a little.

" I am sorry" she said looking in her lap fidgeting with her fingers.

" Don't you say sorry a lot" I said trying to lighten the mood.

" maybe" she said smiling. What's up with her saying maybe today.

"so?" I asked

"so.." She said raising her eyebrow.

"so tell me what bad are you thinking about me " I asked

" I don't think it matters" she said shrugging

"say it before I start tickling you"

" what's up with you ticking me" she said laughing.

" because it's the only thing I know you are afraid of...except spiders, I know you have Arachnophobia so I couldn't use spiders to scare you, remembering you looked like you were nearly going to faint the last time I tried it,so I guess this is the only option I have."

" you are speaking like you have done a full research on my phobia"

" huh sort of " I said embarrassed how could i tell her that i studied all about it when i came to know she has it.

"Really! " she exclaimed.

" I was just curious"

" I doubt you, so tell me what is Arachnophobia"

" Arachnophobia is a specific phobia, the fear of spiders and other arachnids such as comes from...."

"ok, ok nerdy I got it"

" what should I say, you know, I have this talent from birth, and you have to be a genius to be like me and we shouldn't miss hard work here now" I said smirking

" you and your big fat ego Mr" she said rolling her eyes.

" getting jealous huh?"

" what!No!"

" yes and...."

" Shut up!"

" Aisha...."

"It's better I sleep than having such kind talks with you because these talk always end up in we fighting and then you tickling me"

" Aisha relax before you burst with anger, you are already red.." I said laughing at her reaction, usually girls die to sleep with me but she was different.

" GOOD NIGHT" she almost screamed and turned her head towards Window and slept.

15minutes later......

Aisha was already drooling in her sleep, if it wasn't for the seatbelt she would be already be falling. But she looked cute with a smile on her face, literally she was smiling in her sleep. God knows what is she dreaming of.
I kept driving ,I didn't felt like going home,I had started to like spending time with Aisha. She was fun, like a stress buster, behaving like an kid didn't felt bad with her, she was annoying but in a good way.
I pulled both of our glass down letting the cool November air in, I looked towards Aisha's side to find her still sleeping and her hair swaying lightly on her face. She looked.....beautiful. everything about her screamed beautiful, from her skin tone to the hair.
Though her skin was slightly darker than mine, but she was beautiful, I don't know if she is aware of it or not but her Brown eyes changes to light brown when she is happy and to darker shade of Brown when she is sad.

The person who she will love will be the luckiest person on earth .I thought

Suddenly my phone my rang, caller id showed Fiona's name ,I looked at the time it was 2:15 in the night. why is she calling me at this point of time.

Addy: "Fiona why are you calling me at this point of time,is everything alright"

Fiona: "hey baby what's up , having fun fucking that Indian girl huh" She said in a slurry voice

Addy : "what the hell Fiona, why are you drunk and where are you?" I said clutching my fist.
Fucking that Indian girl what does she thinks about me.

Fiona: "hey don't worry I am fine darling,I am at a bar with my friend and....omg what a hot person he is." She screamed and started talking to someone else forgetting me.
I sighted.
Addy: "hey Fiona just listen ok ,don't do any one night stand with anyone. OK" I said calmly and worried about her.

Fiona :" you don't even trust me now" she said angrily.
It's useless to argue with girls because they will always prove us wrong even if we are not at fault,I knew it better not to argue.
Addy : "ok bye baby love...." and the line went blank " you " I completed my sentence sadly.

I looked towards Aisha's side to see if my conversation with Fiona woke her up but she was still asleep, now a frown had replaced her beautiful smile. I laughed ,everything about her made me happy. Told you she was a stress buster. Her hair was falling on her face due to wind. I had this strong urge to remove it from there.
I extended my hand and put her hair behind her ear. Her hair and skin both was soft under my touch and I wanted to keep touching it. I smiled thinking about her reaction to this if she was awake. As much as I know her she would have shouted me for doing so, seriously saying she was the first girl I never slept with or kissed till now. Three weeks,we knew each other for three weeks now and still she never let me near her.
I removed my hand from her face and started driving towards the house ,feeling sudden sadness taking over me.

I wish I had met you before Aisha, before I met Fiona. I hope you know I love Fiona right, she helped me through my dark days and I cannot leave her, EVEN IF I FELL FOR SOMEONE ELSE. I said to Aisha in my mind. My heart felt heavy. I don't know who I was trying to convince that I love Fiona. Was it seriously Aisha or.....myself.

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