chp 43: prank.

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Aishas pov:

I could hear the distant voice of beeping clearly and i could feel that i was lying on some soft surface. I tried to move my hand and felt a slight pinch in it. I tried to open my eyes slowly but the surrounding was too bright. I heard shuffling and then lights went dim, i opened my eyes to see white ceiling.

This is not my and Addy room. Was the first thought that came in my mind.

I looked around to see doctors and nurses standing there and for a moment i felt disappointed that he was not here.

"so how do you feel miss?"

"very much dehydrated" i crooked out and the bed was lifted slightly so that i could drink water that nurse offered.

"so miss Aisha we would like to perform some tests on you." doctor asked.

" okay" i said looking around trying to find addy.

" Mr Addy was not able to come right away but he said he will surely be here after the tests are done" he said. I felt a little disappointed but knew he must be busy in his work.

"okay" i said and i was taken for testing.

One hour later....

I was sitting on the bed and the food was kept on the table, i didn't felt like eating it. Addy was still not here, infact no one i knew was Here.

Does he even love me anymore?
Shut up, he loves you don't think stupidly. My heart said and then there was a knock on the door.

" come in" i said and a man looking in his 40s or 50s with white hair came inside.

"yes? " i asked frowning.

"Aisha" he said with so much happiness. " i am so happy that you finally woke up." he said coming towards me. He looked familier but i don't remember seeing him.

" who are you?" i asked with a frown.

" Aisha it's me, don't you remember me?" he asked with a sad tone.

" I am sorry but i don't recognize you." i said nervously.

"It's me, Addy." he said and i think i stopped breathing. I looked him from head to toe and it was hard for me to believe but he was really Addy just a bit old, no too much old.

"It's not possible" i said while i held the bed sheet as if my life depends on it.
This can't be happening. He can't be old.

"It is, you were out for long time Aisha and people age during that time" He said and hugged me tight.

"But i don't look old" i said breaking out of the hug

" Its because they had invented a serium which keeps you young. After all we have advanced fifty years since you went in coma Aisha" he said and i started crying.

This can't be happening. I wanted to age with Addy not alone. I don't want him to die before me. I have so less time with him to spend before he dies.
And the scenes of me being without him starts coming in my mind, without knowing a tear escaped my eyes and then more followed it.

"Aisha !!" Addy said in shock while coming towards me and wrapping his arms around me once again

"hey, Aisha please, please stop crying ,i am joking babe" he said trying to console me but i couldn't control myself.

" wait a minute." he said and went towards washroom only to come back after some time looking like....Addy i knew.

"See i was joking" he said trying to smile looking at me crying.

"YOU" I said angrily and he flinched.

" I..I can explain, i just wanted to liyhten the mood" he said.


"Aisha relax please" he said raising his hands in surrender.

"YOU ASK ME TO RELAX AFTER PLAYING SUCH A PRANK" i said lifting pillows and throwing towards him,which he dogged easily.
I was soo Angry at him for doing such thing that I started throwing anything I could get in my hands on him.

" Aisha ,relax i am sorry. I said i am sorry, Okay " he said trying to protect himself from pillows.

Pillows got over so i picked up a medicine glass bottle, seeing this his eyes went wide and muttered something under his breath.
" Aisha, know i will get hurt right?" he said scared and i smirked.
I just wanted to scare him,i really just wanted to scare him by moving bottle in my hands but the bottle slipped and landed on the wall where Addy was standing previously. If he wouldn't have moved the bottle would have landed on him. Addy looked towards me with shock and i couldn't move due to shock of what i had just done before my eyes started to water up again and i started crying hiding face in my palms.

"Aisha its okay" he said coming near me and wrapping his hands around me and hugging me while sitting on the bed.

"I... I swear I didn't wanted to hurt you I...It j..Just slipped" i said while clutching him and crying.

"I know Aisha calm down, i am safe." he said rubbing my back. Suddenly the door opened and standing there was my doctor.

" what happened here? What was the noise about?" he asked looking around the mess and i just wanted the earth to open up and swallow me down. Addy stood up his back facing me and i pressed my face against Addy to hide myself due to embarrassment.

He chuckeled before saying " actually i pranked her by making my face look old through make up and she got scared seeing me and tried to protect herself by throwing pillows towards me, she was trying to scare me away with glass bottle but it slipped and broke. Don't worry doctor i will pay for the loss personally" he said and i glanced towards doctor to see he had one eyesbrows raised as if trying to say us. Are you guys crazy? I hope you know you are not kids anymore. Before going back out shaking his head and i blushed in embarrassment and Addy looked back at me.

"so cute" he said chuckling and grining looking at me blush. I smacked his arm.
"This is for pranking me" I said.

"It seems you have become voilent after waking up from coma"he said rubbing his arm and i smacked his arm again.

" what's wrong with you women" he said narrowing his eyes at me to which i gave him a sweet smile.

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