chp 40: fragmented love.

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Addy's pov:

As we drove towards mansion Steve was stiff and tense I asked him many times about who that girl was and what's wrong with him but he didn't reply. If we were in any other situation I would have ordered or threatened him to reply me,but right now I was anxious about who the person could be. As the driver stopped the car in front of my house I could see a police force with my parents standing out of the mansion. I quickly got out of the car and went towards the officers to ask what the matter was and why was a full force in front of MY house rather than near the house where the culprit was. As I was going towards the office I saw my mom was crying clutching my dad's arm but I didn't go towards them because I wanted to know what the problem was.

"hello officer " I said extending my hands for him to shake.

"hello Mr Addy" he said shaking my hands.

"so officer why are we gather here, in my mansion? And why are you not catching the culprit?" I asked and he looked towards Steve to which Steve kept his head Down and said
" I thought it would have been better if you would have said it by your self."
"Oh! I see" he said looking a tad bit nervous maybe knowing my temper issues.
"uh....okay so I hope your bodyguard or whatever must have told you why we are here " he said looking towards Steve.

" found the girl"

" And she is in your house"

"what? How can she? Where was the security when she entered? " I said angrily.
"The security grant her the entry" he said.
That's the reason she could push Aisha inside the cold water without people getting suspicious because only trusted people were allowed entry.

" who is she?" I asked angrily.

"sir it's better you calm Down" The officer said.

"okay I am calm, now tell me who is she?" I asked taking a deep breath.
The officer looked towards my dad and Steve before his eyes landed on me.

"It's none other than your own sister- Ana" he said and my eyes widened with shock.
What the hell!!
And next came the anger and I grabbed the officers collar.

"Is this something kind of joke officer? Have you lost your mind?" I said angrily and I felt Steve and my dad grabbing my shoulders and pull me back.

"This is not a joke Addy" My dad said looking in my eyes. "They have got proofs. The man himself said she was the one he saw and.....even Ronald said that it was her" He said and I could picture Ronald laughs mocking me. He wanted to hurt me and he successfully did it.

"Dad.....this is not possible....why would she do it? Why would she go against her own family?" I said trying to reason it.

"none of us know about it Addy" he said looking towards my mom who was coming towards us.

"Mom" I acknowledge her and hugged her as she sobbed.

"Addy, what are they talking about, you know your sister would never do it, She loves you so much. " she said sobbing. I looked towards my dad to see he looked like he was in pain. I could understand what he was going though seeing your wife crying while your daughter is being accused of a crime she didn't even commit.

"Mom" I said slowly and she looked towards me.

"believe me mom if Ana has done nothing wrong then I won't let them take her away from us" I said looking towards the officer.

"but... "she started

"no buts are all staying here with dad until I solve all this problem and misunderstanding." I said and started walking towards the door to my mansion.

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