CHP 9 : Marriage Is Not A Deal

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"hey you look stunning!" one of the relative who had arrived for participating in marriage complemented me.

"oh! Thank you,I hope you are enjoying yourself?" I asked smiling

"yes beta I am and oh! before I forget congratulations" she said smiling.

"thank you but for what? " I asked confused

Before she could reply Addy came and asked her.
"can I borrow her for a moment?" he asked looking towards me. I could see he looked scared and nervous

"Yes why not.........." That lady said

"Thank you" he replied and before she could complete her sentence and dragged me away.

"what do you want addy?" I asked when he finally stopped. It's India for god's sake and people might think we are something if he keeps on doing this all the time.

"actually I have something to tell you" he said looking nervous.

"what do you want to tell?" I asked trying to act calm as his nervousness was affecting me too. why is he acting all nervous? OMG is he going to propose me!! Stop it aisha. I thought and mentally rilled my eyes.

"I don't want it to affect our friendship ok..."he said. Breath aisha breath. "but I..... " he was cut in between by someone calling my name.


I turned around towards the source of voice to find Emily, Ishan and Meera standing there. my childhood friends and much more than that, they were my life but we couldn't meet again once we all went to colleges and then life happened, but yeah we kept each other in contact. Ishan was the only boy in our group of three girls and someone or should I say Emily had always said me that Ishan likes me but like every other rumors it was false. I went and hugged them tightly.
"Oh my gosh!! what are you all doing over here?"I asked excitingly.

"you are getting engaged and we won't come, It's not gonna happen" Ishan said irritated.

"congratulations aisha" Meera said hugging me again.

"you know I can't believe aisha has finally found someone. But i would have preferred hearing this good news from you rather than you Dad calling us and saying this" Emily said smirking and rolling her eyes

"what are you all talking about?" I asked confused

" You didn't knew?where is Addy, Your so called future husband?" Ishan asked raising an eyebrow.

" Ya Aisha your Dad called all of us last night and invited us for your engagement party " Meera said.

"I....I...didn't even knew it " I said with hurt and panic. Now that explains why everyone was congratulating me. I was getting engaged and I didn't even knew about it. I was on the verge of getting a panic attack. This can't be happening, Last night he told me he loves Fiona and today i am hearing the news that we are getting engaged.

"you would have if they didn't interrupted us" Addy said angrily comming from behind me. I didn't even knew he was standing behind me.

"how come she doesn't know that she is getting engaged to You,tell me" Ishan asked Addy holding his shirt collar

"What the fuck is your problem leave me" Addy said angrily.

" I will once I break this pretty face of yours"

"STOP IT BOTH OF YOU!!" I shouted with watery eyes.

"Aisha we are getting undue attention!!" Emily whispered while catching my hand indicating me to stop them.

"let him go Ishan and Addy let's talk about it elsewhere." I said to both the boys and started walking away .

I couldn't understand what should I do. should I be happy that I am getting engaged to Addy or should I be sad because I know he can never like me,his heart belongs to only one person and that is Fiona. It won't take a smart mind to understand he is doing all this because of the deal his father had put before him. It's all happening because of his father ,If his father hadn't put this deal before him I wouldn't have been crying in my own cousins marriage.

Addy came walking from a distance. I was sitting on gardens bench looking at moon in the sky trying to control my tears. He was walking with purposeful strides towards me but there was a hint of nervousness on his face and even a small cut on his lips which indicated that ishan had punched him when I left. I even saw guilt in his eyes as he stood in his place near the bench and looked towards me. I know he was staring at my blood shot eyes and smudge makeup on my face. but I didn't care how I look like right now, tears had stopped and I felt anger.

"why addy ! why didn't you ask me before taking this decision? Do you get some kind of relief seeing me cry? Don't I deserve to know what's happening with my life? How can you take decision for me!! It's my life for God's sake, why can't you let me decide what i want?"
I asked as tears started flowing down my eyes. Feeling weak I sat on the bench again and buried my face in my Palm while crying.
Whatever decision I take it will affect both of us. If I said 'yes' he will loose the love of his life Fiona and I know he might never be able to love me and if I say 'No' he will loose his future as successful business personality and I will loose the first boy I ever liked . As I looked up I found Addy looking towards me angryly .

" for you information Aisha I don't get any kind of relief seeing you all moping around and How the fuck can you think I didn't tried talking to you about it ,I tried yesterday night when that man punched you but you just ran out of the car without even listening me, I even tried today morning but you were so busy to hear me out". He said angrily with his eyes blazing with anger.

I got more angry and stood up from bench
" ok then congratulations addy because now you will have all the money you needed " I said angrily before walking away towards my car.
My driver said he will drive me anywhere I wanted but I took keys from him and speeded out of my uncle's house. I know driving while you are angry is not a good idea but I didn't minded getting more hurt ,at least physical hurt doesn't tears you apart like emotional hurt does. My mind was filled with lots of questions and I was getting agitated because I couldn't find it's answers. I punched the steering weel and pain shot through my hand.

Why was he doing this,didn't he love Fiona enough to loose her?

Why does his dad wants him to marry an Indian girl only?

How will Fiona react when she comes to know about it? I hope she doesn't harm herself.

And why didn't my parents confronted me about it?

Was all this planned before we came here, because Addy said it was?

Will this marriage be successful or will it crumple down?

Will after this deal I will remain the person I am right now or will I be broken and depressed girl?

And many such thoughts were swirling in my mind that I didn't realize I was crying again ,I closed my Eyes to calm myself,
I open my eyes due to loud horn and saw a car coming towards me from one way route .I panicked and quickly turned my car away from it, my car went and hit a big tree beside the road, the force of the hit was so strong that even though I had wore seatbelt my body jerked forward but thanks to the airbag in my car I didn't got hurt. car was pretty much...broken.

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