Goal「Yamaguchi Tadashi」

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"Today's the day~" (First Name) smiles as she takes one last look at the mirror before she left.

(First Name) was planning on watching her boyfriend, Yamaguchi Tadashi, play against Aoba Josai. She knew how deep the scar was when he failed to do his specialty, The Float Serve. He practiced like hell in order to make it successful.

She watched him suffer from the harsh trainings but she didn't try to stop him since this is what he wanted.

(_ _) oO Flashback (_ _) oO

"I know that you care for my health but please don't try to stop me. I'm fine, really." Yamaguchi smiles and shyly plants a kiss on her forehead. He looks at her with a determined look on his face but still there was a little blush on his face."I want to do this in order for us to win."

(First Name) could do nothing but sigh in return. She knows that once he sets his goal, he will not stop. "Alright, just promise me that you'll take care of yourself." She holds out her pinky.

Yamaguchi greatly returns the pinky promise. "I promise."

"Heh, if you ever break your promise. I will never kiss you ever again."

"E-Even on our wedding day?!" Yamaguchi pales once he realizes on what he said. Yes, it's true, he had planned on marrying her already even if they have only dated about 7 months and 2 weeks. She's just that precious to him.

"Oh my gosh, you're so adorable!" (First Name) hugs the freckled male with all her might.

(_ _) oO Flashback (_ _) oO

(First Name) texts Yamaguchi that she going to watch him along with her friends and so they went off, heading towards the place where they would play.


"Eeeh?!" Yamaguchi's eyes widen and cry of surprise made the other Karasuno members wonder what happened to him.

"What's wrong, Yamaguchi?" Nishinoya asks as he pats his back. "Your senpai will help you."
"(Fi-First Name) is going to watch me play!"

"D-Don't worry, We know that you will do your best!" Yachi tries to cheer him up and the other agree with what she says.

"I hope so..." Yamaguchi sighs as they went off to the arena.

(First Name) and her friends arrived a little late but they weren't disappointed. They excitedly went inside of the gym and sat on the bleachers where the Karasuno and Aoba Josai would play. She saw them that they we're warming up. Her face light up in delight when she saw Yamaguchi.

"HI YAMAGUCHI!" (First Name) waves excitedly as Yamaguchi drops the volleyball that he was supposed to serve as a warm-up.

Yamaguchi blushed as he stares at her with wide eyes and shyly waves which made her fangirl.

"GOOD LUCK!" (First Name) shouts as she starts to blow kisses to him and his blush turned a shade darker.

"Yamaguchi, she's a keeper." Nishinoya says as he nudges the blushing male.

"Thank you, Nishinoya-senpai."

Nishinoya's eyes sparkle when he was called "senpai" and laughs. "HAHAHAHA, OF COURSE! THAT'S WHAT A SENPAI DOES!" He pats his back, harshly.

"You are such a supportive girlfriend, (First Name)." (Friend's Name) smiles as she pats her hair while the others cooed

"Thank you~"

~Later On~

"..come on, you can do this." (First Name) whispers as she grips on their banner. She admits that she felt like was on the edge. When the referee called a member change, she smiles and felt relaxed.

Yamaguchi looks at her direction as she mouths "I trust you." And gave him a thumbs up. He nods as he takes a deep breath and does a jump floater.

Her heart almost stopped when it hit the net. She cheered when it was a net in. "ONE MORE TIME!" She yells.

In the end Yamaguchi ended up scoring 5 points and Karasuno won because of Yamaguchi's effort and also the other team members, of course!

(First Name) asked her friends if she can congratulate her boyfriend. They all said numerous "okay." and told her that they will wait at the 24/7 convience store.

(First Name) waited outside and saw a familiar green hair, she ran towards him while yelling his name out.

Yamaguchi looked around, suddenly he felt a weight on his chest. "(Fi-First Name)?!"

"What took you so long?" (First Name) asks as she snuggles on his chest.

"S-sorry about that."

She lets go and says. "I am proud of you. I know how hard you worked in order for that float serve to be successful."

Instead of thanking her verbally, he hugged her. Yamaguchi bends down a little while (First Name) had to tiptoe. He carasses her hair and smiles. Yamaguchi was unable to speak since he was overwhelmed, he knew how supportive she is to him and how much they had to endure without each other's warm presence, All the little and big fights they had; worth it. Now all they need right now is each other and hope that their love will never fade away.

After all, Actions speaks louder than Words~


Nishinoya and Tanaka sniffs loudly as they watched the adorable sight. They were hugging each other but in a much manly mannerism.

"TOO ADORABLE!" Nishinoya says as he blows his nose with his handkerchief.

"I KNOW RIGHT, BRO!" Tanaka fist pumps the air.

"Now, now let's give them a moment." Sugawara smiles as he shoos the other teammates.

//sighs// a guy like Yamaguchi is hard to find

Thank you for all the support and I hope you enjoyed this~

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