Good Traits「Ennoshita Chikara」

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RQ by: @nijizo

For those who are wondering why I didn't update, it's because my eye got hit by a water bottle from the second floor.

It was pretty hard since it was swelling a bit also it was quite hard to write but I'm fine now and I'm ready to update! :)

Warning: OOC Ennoshita Chikara ( T v T) super sorry!


"I scream for Ice cream! Oh delicious ice cream!" The trio happily chanted while they were going to the convience store. It was Nishinoya's birthday and he plans to treat the team with none other than Ice cream. The team did not mind since they too, like ice cream.

Daichi's patience was running out but he extended it since it was their libero's birthday. Sugawara was there by his side to calm him down and took charge of scolding them. What made the day even sweeter is that it's on the house said by Coach Ukai himself.

"Yay, Ice Cream~ I hope it still has (fave flavor)." (First Name) smiles at the thought of eating her favorite ice cream.

Ennoshita took a glance at her and smiled. He thought that she was adorable when she was thinking about ice cream but did he hope that she was thinking about him instead. Yamaguchi noticed this and quietly asked. "Ennoshita-senpai, do you like (First Name)-senpai?"

Ennoshita blushed and was about to deny it but Nishinoya and Tanaka butts in.

"YEAH, HE TOTALLY LIKES HER!" Nishinoya grins and pats his back like a proud brother.


"UWWOOH! NICE ONE RYUU!" Nishinoya high-fives Tanaka.

Ennoshita glared at them and replies. "You two are so dead..."

(First Name) noticed that the bro duo are in trouble, she made her way there and stopped it. "Chikara~! I want to buy some junk food right now, help me out. I can't choose."

He sighs and gives them (except for Yamaguchi) one last glare before he leaves to assist (First Name). "Don't do anything crazy."

"Why do he always say that?" Nishinoya huffs and suddenly he had another (crazy) idea. "Hey Ryuu!" He motions Tanaka to come closer and he did. "What if we became his wingmen!"

"Noya-san, that's a great idea after all they do need a little push!" Tanaka grins and once again, high-fives him. "We need a great plan, bro."


They both huddled including Yamaguchi who had no idea of why he was involved but he decided to help his senpais. They came up with a great idea and will start the plan later after they eat ice cream.

While the trio was busy planning, (First Name) was having conflicts on which junkfood should she choose. "Hey Chikara, which one would you choose?"

"I always tell you to call me by my last name.." Ennoshita sighs as he gave her (prefered junkfood) which she accepts and they went to the counter.

"Why not? I find it cute, Chi-Ka-Ra!" (First Name) smiles at him.

"You're the only cute one here..." Ennoshita whispered under his breath. She was too cute sometimes that it makes him wish that he could hug her right at the moment but he can't... he's too damned shy, curse the shyness!

"What? Do you need something?" (First Name) innocently asks as she gives her money to Coach Ukai to pay for her junkfood.


After the celebration with ice cream; the second years went home in the same way. Suddenly, Nishinoya says. "You know, we have to have a captain soon since Coach Ukai reminded us and I vote for Chikara!" He raises his right hand up.

"Me too!" Tanaka second the motion.

"Why can't Nishinoya be the captain?!" Ennoshita asks.

"Liberos can't be the captains, silly." (First Name) grins and slightly pushes him.

"Yep-- Woah! I won a free ice cream, I'm going to get another one!" Nishinoya quickly finishes his ice cream with two bites and ran to get another.

"I want someone who's calmer because just take a look at the first years." Kinoshita laughs.

"Two loud mouthed idiots and one with a messed up personality plus ONLY Yamaguchi is the normal one." (First Name) sighs, feeling a little sorry for Yamaguchi for dealing with such colorful personalities.

"But... I ran away." Ennoshita quietly answers in a tone of regret.

"So what? You came back and that's a good thing." (First Name) smiles. "Wanna know why?"

Ennoshita shakes his head as a sign of 'no' which made her giggle. "I am going to list all of your good traits."

She looked at the others and nods. "I'll take it from here, you guys~" (First Name) winks and grabs his arm as they walk.

Nishinoya came back with another ice cream and noticed his or rather the team's OTP was walking arm-in-arm. As he was about to fanboy, Tanaka stopped him. "Bro, we must not ruin the cutest OTP moment."

"Agreed." replies a teary eyed Nishinoya Yuu, how dramatic.

"Jeez, you two are such a handful..." Narita sighs.

"I'm glad Ennoshita came back since I wouldn't know what would happen if Tanaka was the captain." Kinoshita nervously laughs, imagining the chaos already.

"Am I supposed to be happy or not.." Tanaka deadpans as Nishinoya pats his back.

"Are we following them or not?" Narita asks and leads the way.

"Heck yeah!"


"What do you mean good traits?" Ennoshita asks her, glancing at her for a bit.

"You're so precious, Chikara." (First Name) grins. "First of all, you have humility, authority, good skills in volleyball, reliable--"

"I'm reliable?" Ennoshita's reply came out more like a question.

"Of course, everyone believes you're the next crow president!"

"..crow president?"

(First Name) hums and continues. "You defend your teammates like the time Hinata once again hits Kageyama's head, hmm... what else-- you're determined, you also cheer up your teammates and the most important one of all.."

She stops her steps and looked at him straight on the eye, smiling. "You love volleyball and if you have those traits, Congratulations Mr. Ennoshita Chikara for being the next crow president!"

Ennoshita had a slightly, kidding! He was blushing so hard that the apple would envy him. She was just so cute! Not being to control himself anymore, he hugged her.

She shrieked and now it was her turn to blush. "C---Chikara?!"

"You're just so cute.." He mumbled.

"I am?!" (First Name) grins and hugged him back. "I think you're cute too.. Chikara."

Cue a crying bro duo with two underrated second years, sweatdropping at them.

But the cuteness didn't stopped there, he kneeled down and took her left hand. "I am glad that god gave me you, (Full Name). You are such a blessing, everything had changed when you came. Many good things happened and so will you be mine?"


What's your answer readers?! :D (This continues to your imagination~)

I hate updating late ( -w-)"

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