Reflection「Bokuto Koutaro」

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[Crack Drabble]

(First Name) woke up in the morning pretty early since they had a problem. She got up and dressed something comfortable yet presentable. It was the usual routine ever since she became friends with the volleyball team and the girlfriend of their energetic captain, Bokuto Koutaro.

(First Name) yawns as she knocks on the room of Bokuto and Akaashi. "..what could be his problem this time?" She asked herself and decides to find out.

The door opens and it revealed the silent second year. Akaashi greets her a "Good morning." and lets her in. She sits down on their couch and says. "What happened to him? Did he dreamed about his puppets wanting his flesh again?"

"Nope, he actually has an off day today."

(First Name) groans in annoyance and facepalms. She loves her boyfriend but sometimes, he was just plain annoying. She got up and questions him once more. "Alright, where is he?"

"In the bathroom but don't worry, he's still wearing his clothes."

She took a peek and saw him, touching their wall mirror. (First Name) thoughts. 'Here he goes again...'

Bokuto takes a deep breath and looks at the mirror sadly, singing as if he was part in a Disney movie.

"Who is this owl that I see~?

Standing straight right back at me

When will my reflection show, who I am inside?"

She goes behind him and hugs him, asking. "What's wrong?"


"No, it won't I promise you."

"I feel ugly today." He gingerly touches the mirror.

"I still think that my horned owl looks pretty handsome in my eyes." She says as she pecks his cheek and slowly lets go of him. She went to the side of the bathroom and grins.

"Fufufufu... THAT'S RIGHT! I'M THE MOST HANDSOME HORNED OWL EVER!" Bokuto blushed and fist pumped the air.

"I'm glad that it worked." (First Name) says to the calm setter.

"Yes, I'm glad too."

Admit it he has off days in the morning too and I also wrote this while I was high with milktea XD

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