Why「Tsukishima Kei」

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Hope you enjoy~ his B-DAY one shot]

"I'm going to buy a drink, do you want one?" Tsukishima questions to his girlfriend, who replied that she would like (prefered drink). Before he went outside, Tsukishima asked Akaashi the directions of the vending machine then he went off.

"Hey shortcake-chan," Kuroo called (First Name) and motions her to come closer. She walks towards him while talking to him. "Don't call me shortcake-chan, Kei doesn't like that and what do you want, Kuroo-san?" She folds her arms and one of her brow arched in confusion.

"These three here has some questions for you." Kuroo points at the energetic trio behind his back. He pats her shoulder that meant good luck.

She sighs and says."Alright, bring it on--" Before can (First Name) finish talking, she was already bombarded by a lot of questions.

"Why Tsukishima?!" Bokuto frails around with Akaashi behind him, mouthing. "Sorry about him, (Last Name)-san."

Hinata questions with an innocent look on his face."How did you fall for him?!"

"Yeah yeah, (Last Name)-san?!" Lev asks her while he jumps up and down; unable to control his excitement.

"Alright, I'll tell you guys, why I like him." When she instantly told them that, they immediately sat down (with the exception of Kuroo and Akaashi who took their time). Their eyes were sparkling from excitement.

"I love him that even though that he's not very good at expressing his feelings and emotions. He said so himself that "Actions speaks louder than words." He prefers to show his love for me in actions." (First Name) paused for a while and blushed at a certain memory.

"What I did was..."

(_ _)oO Flashback (_ _)oO

"Kei, do you even love me?" (First Name) suddenly ask him while they were walking in the cold winter snow.

Tsukishima stops his steps and turns around. "Why do you ask?"

"Please answer the question." She raises her voice a little higher than her normal voice. The grip on handle of her bag was getting tighter, the thought of him saying a harsh "no." made her want to cry. She heard from others that if Tsukishima really loved her, he would have said those words already.

They have been dating about 4 months and a few weeks already. Sure, they may have kissed and held hands but he still haven't said "I love you" to her.

(First Name) blinked the tears away and a couple of them fell from her eyes, landing on the snow and some on her rosy cheeks. She sniffled and uses her other hand to wipe them away but a hand stopped her and uses his slightly calloused hand to wipe them away with his thumb.

"Idiot, do you really want me to say it," Tsukishima moves closer and looks at her in the eye. "Or do you want me to show it to you maybe both?"

Tsukishima pecks her forehead and says. "I"

Then once more, he kisses her nose."Love"

Lastly, he kisses her lips, longer and pulls away. "You."

"If you form those words, it becomes I love you. I don't need to say it since for my opinon, Actions speaks louder than words. (First Name)..." Tsukishima kneels down and says. "I love you so much, I may be out of character right now but I don't care. I don't want my girlfriend to ever think that I don't love her. If you want to hold my hand, just hold it. I won't mind. If you want to kiss me, do it. I won't reject you since that would be foolish. I am willing to take of my *mask for you. "

"Kei, I'm sorry for judging you."

"Whatever." He then kisses her forehead. "Let's go home."

(_ _)oO Flashback (_ _)oO

"Uwwwooooh! Didn't knew Tsukishima, had a soft side!" Hinata says.

"I know right! He always looks so mysterious and stuff." Lev agrees with his friend.

"Who knew that Tsukki would such be a hopeless romantic?" Bokuto sniffs as Akaashi hands him a tissue.

"Ohohoho, Tsukki is a hopeless romantic. Hmm, it's not something that you would expect." Kuroo strokes his imaginary bread.

"(First Name) here's your drink." Tsukishima says as he enters the gym and was confused of why they formed a circle.

"Thank you Kei."(First Name) smiles and walks towards him. She turns back and whispers to Akaashi. "Tell them that they wouldn't say a word of what I have said about Kei earlier."

Akaashi nods and ruffles her hair.

"What were you guys talking about?"

"About cats."

"Hmm... okay." He then holds her hand.

Headcanon: Tsukishima may act like a jerk to others but not on his lady~

*mask - his harsh and teasing exterior

Better late than never, right? XD

Ugh, what a horrible ending (-_-)""


Sorry, Tsukki ( TT n TT)

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