Two-Faced (1)「Asahi Azumane」

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You and Yachi are BFFFFFFFFFFFFFF //punched

Okay, that's too much F's and it's a little cliche but I added a twist to it. Let's start!

~Back in Middle School~

"Hey, he's looking at you~" Shinju teases (First Name), who just returned a smile in return.

She has been noticing this that her schoolmate but it wasn't just any schoolmate, he is one of the popular boys in their third year in middle school. (First Name) became estatic when she found out a cute guy likes her. Sure, they might have talked a few times but they we're not close.

However, all it took was three words to change her world.

"He's bullying us.." Yachi says in a soft tone which made broke (First Name)'s heart. She grits her teeth and was about to go 'talk' to that guy but Yachi stopped her. "No, you can't--"

"What do you mean, I can't?!" (First Name) says in disbelief and anger. "He's bullying you. You're both girls, Yachi, Shinju! This is not right, this is way too cruel." She sits down and covers her face.

"(First Name)?" Shinju goes near her but still no reaction from (First Name).

"I,I can't believe him... he acts so kind to me and yet.. he acts so cruel to you, my friends." She whispers.

'I will never fall for guys ever again....' She promised herself.

So in the end, she ended up rejecting the guy in the most coldest manner that she could think of and story was spread like wild fire. That's when she got the title of the "Cold-Hearted Princess". She didn't care about her reputation as long as her friends were okay and happy. Their happiness is her happiness.

She only shows her real side to her friends but to others?--She was just plain cruel. Her friends didn't quite supported this wicked plan of hers but never have they ever tried to backstab her since they knew that she was still the sweet and hyper girl they know.

Only did they wish that one day, someone could melt her cold exterior and see her soft side.

The three friends agreed that they should go to Karasuno for highschool. Luckily, they got the same class. As they were going to school, a bunch of upperclassmen invites them to go and join this specific club and such.

"Art is wonderful and if you agree with that statement, Join Arts Club. We can go on field trips to the art galleries and such. You can learn the secret of how to draw the hands!" A girl explained as she hands them out a colorful paper.

"Literature is the best club ever!
If you aspire to be a writer, Well this club is for you~ You can learn new things about you're middle teacher never taught you!" Another upperclassmen invited them.

~At Lunchtime~

"So many clubs, so little time." Shinju sighs and eats her lunch.

"I know right." Yachi agrees.

"I can't choose~" (First Name) sighs and puts a sushi in her mouth, chewing it and thinking.

'Do I really need to join a club? I don't need anyone else except my friends and family.' (First Name) thought. "What are you guys joining?" She questions them.

"I think I'm going to join the music choir or the literature clun." Shinju answers.

"I have no idea actually, you're so lucky that you already know what club you're going to choose." Yachi says. "I have no idea which one, all of them sounded so interesting."

"I don't plan to join any of the clubs." (First Name) suddenly says. The atmosphere got a little awkward and depressing but her friends still remained calm.

They both smile sadly and Yachi replies. "Okay, we're not going to force you."


"Eeeeeh?! You joined the volleyball team?" (First Name)'s eyes widen in surprise and almost dropped her phone to the ground.

"A-As manager!" Yachi frails around. "Kiyoko-senpai invited me to go join. Maybe you can join too! As assistant coach, afterall you were the reason why our old school won many times."

"Hmm... I guess so. Are they nice people?" (First Name) questions curiously.

"They are wonderful! You have to join!" Yachi grins and grabs her hand.

"I agree, you need too." Shinju encourages her to join the volleyball club."I bet you would be a great assistant coach."

"...I'll try but if I don't like them then I'm backing out." (First Name) crosses her arms.

The two friends cheered in delight and both thinking. 'Maybe she will meet that someone.'

~Going to the Gym~

(First Name) felt nervous and a little nauseous. She fiddled her fingers and looked at Yachi, who just returned a smile to her as if she was saying "It's alright and everything is going to be fine, I promise you."

She took a deep breath and shakily placed her hand on the handle of the gym door. Another large hand topped hers and she flinched back in surprise. (First Name) looked at the person and was scared for life. 'A gangster?! Who plays volleyball?"

"I,I-- I'm sorry! Are you hurt?" He asks in concern.

"I'm fine.." (First Name) replies in a reassuring tone then she realized that she was too out of character! Panicking, she quickly replaced her nervous look into a cold one in a split second. "I'm mean, I don't care..."

"A-Asahi-san meet my friend, (Full Name). She would like to be the assistant coach for the boy's volleyball team." Yachi interrupts the awkward atmosphere.

"Hello Yac-chan." Asahi smiles warmly. "Hello (Last Name)-chan, I hope you will like the team."


This human-sized teddybear is too cute. I can't believe that there aren't many fanfics about him.

If there are any typos, please say if there are and I will fix it :)

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