Chapter 15

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Chewing her lip, she stared out the window. Her frantic mind prayed they'd find him in time. Where are you Xander? Her warm breath steamed the glass. Out Of all the nights to go clubbing, you chose this one.

The first industrial warehouses started to appear. Rubbing the window surface with her coat sleeve, she peered into the dim-lit street. Why are we driving in this direction? She wondered with increasing uneasiness.

"Do you know where my brother are?" she asked hopeful.

"Not really," he answered. "A good friend of mine might be able to assist."

She turned her attention back to the road. He kept driving deeper into the desolated area. After five minutes, the car entered through big black gates. Her heart started to beat a little faster. Every muscle in her body tied into knots as something about the place looked familiar.

They stopped. Alex's first instinct was to jump out and run. Every fibre of her being urged her to forget about Xander and leave while she still could.

"I'll only be a few minutes."

She simply nodded and he got out. Frustrated, she followed him with her eyes until he disappeared into the building. Shivering, she rubbed every exposed body part. I hope he finds Xander soon. Pushing the power button, music drifted through the car.

After a while, she got out. The steel structure had many windows. Déjà vu slammed into her as she recognized the scene in her nightmare. For a second she struggled to breathe. No! This - can't be.

"Think, damn it!" She snapped at herself and clutched her little handbag tight to her chest. Something hard and small bruised her skin. Annoyed, she glared at her bag. Suddenly a light bulb went on. Relieved, she dug for her phone. Numb fingers, flipped it open and she used the preprogramed speed dial button.

It rang twice. "Miguel... It's Alex," She whispered and kept one eye on the door. "Don't freak out, just listen."

"Where are you?" he asked, concerned.

"No idea, somewhere in the industrial area of Cape Town." Her heart sounded like a machine gun in her ears. "I don't have time to explain. We are in trouble."


"Xander and I," the cold penetrated her coat and she shivered. "Please come fetch us?"

"I'll take that." Diane's voice cuts in out of nowhere.

Alex whirled around. "Diane!"

Her bodyguard grabbed, dropped, and smashed the phone with her boot.

"Oops," she said.

"What are you doing?" She shouted, furious.

Grinning. "Follow me." She instructed and walked towards the door Shaun had disappeared through earlier.

"Diane?" Alex stood frozen. Betrayed! Her mind screamed. "Where are you going?"

"Do you want to see your brother or not?" Alex felt sick, nodded and put one weary foot in front of the other. "Come along, he won't wait forever." she said and glanced over her shoulder to make sure she followed.

"Of whom are you speaking?" Her bodyguard smiled and teased with her eyes. "Diane?"

Without answering, she continued until she reached the door. Opening it, she waited for Alex to join her.

As she came closer, her mind screamed RUN, but her feet had a will of their own. In disbelief, she entered the warehouse. Bang! The door slammed behind her. She jerked. Diane laughed and continued down a long corridor. Nervous, she trailed behind at a distance. At the end, her bodyguard opened another door. Metal stairs ran down to a huge empty floor.

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