Chapter 30

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Dawn started to break. Early morning light filtered through the gaps of the green and white patterned drawn curtains. Stirring, a small smile spread across her face as she thought about this morning. Her hand crept to the other side. Touching an empty pillow. Her head lifted, curls partly blocked her view. Glancing around the room. No sign of him. Alex leaped out of bed. A note sat on the dressing table.

Worried she walked over. Stopped. No pain? Lifted one foot, she inspected it up close. The blisters were gone. Delighted, she dropped it and continued. Reluctantly, she picked the note up, scanning the contents.


Please get dressed as soon as you read this. Go to the train station. Get on the train to Johannesburg. I can't explain right now, but it's not safe. Please leave immediately.

The note dropped out of her hands. Wrapping her arms around her chest, she walked over to the window. Opened the curtains. Early morning light hit her. Blinking, she rubbed her eyes. Why is my eyes so sensitive? In the distance, magnificent mountains framed the backdrop.

Looking down into the courtyard. People were busy having breakfast in the outdoor glass extension. Gas outdoor heaters warming the early risers. Must be a tour group. Sighing, her eyes drifted towards the bed. An image of his body pressed against hers pop into her mind. Deceptive memories! Shaking them, she got dressed before packing. Surveying the room one more time, just to make sure.

Swinging her pack over her shoulder, she headed downstairs. Creek! The second stepped protested. This place is definitely old. Pictures hang on the wall. Stopping, she looked at them. Could that be? Studying the photo up close. There was no mistake. Miguel and a woman who closely resembled her stood next to each other. They seemed in love and happy. Frowning. What went wrong? Biting her lip. He'll probably not tell me if I ask. Ding! Ding! Ding! The old clock chimed the time. Shaking herself mentally, she hurried down.

Stopping at the front desk. "Good morning. How far is the train station from here?" She enquired.

"About one and a half kilometres, ma'am." The new clerk mistook her for a tourist and handed her a map.

"Thanks." Accepted the map. "Have a nice day."

Signing out, she handed the keys over, before walking out the hotel. Winter morning sun was out in full force. Squinting, she surveyed her surroundings. This is definitely a one horse town, but a beautiful one. Rubbing her hands together, she blew on them. Another four months before summer. She thought cold. Opening the map, she carefully, studied it before starting in the direction of the station. Three minutes later, she arrived. The platform was bare except for a small building and a bench. A couple of people stood waiting. A woman dressed in jeans, a sweater and tekkies glanced her way. Looking down at something in her hand and back at her before starting in her direction. Alex tensed, tried to leave unnoticed.

"Are you Miss Hernandez?" she asked uncertain.

Nodding. "Do I know you?" She asked.

"Miguel asked me to give you this." Holding an enveloped out.

Frowning, she took it. Without another word, the woman left. Baffled, she stared at the padded envelope. Checking around. No one was paying any attention to her. Turning it over a couple of times, she pressed down. Something hard was inside. Shaking. A big object shifted about inside. Curious, she tore it open and stuck her hand inside.

Huh? Her hand touched something cold and sharp. Opening it wider, she took a quick peeked. Some sort of weapon, a ticket, and note were inside.

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