Chapter 19

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Miguel entered Alex's room. Silence. He cocked his head to the side and listened. Regular breathing and a heartbeat, which beat just a little faster than a normal human's would, were audible.

Walking closer, he froze. What is that smell? He wondered and started to investigate. His nose led him to the bathroom and walk-in closet. At last, he found himself in front of the armchair. She sat curled up fast asleep.

He sat down on the coffee table and studied her. What am I missing? She still looked the same. Her heart beat faster, but that's normal when you are 'sick'. A frown appeared. Come on. The answer is right here. He took a quick whiff. Shit! Her blood structure changed. Impossible unless... He shook his head.

A mixture of salt, iron and a hint of exotic spice teased his nose. Heat pooled in his groin and his frown deepened. Shifting, her eyes fluttered open. There was a moment of confusion before recognition hit. Bolting up straight, she stretched.

"Ah. That felt good." A yawn escaped before she could put her hand in front of her mouth. "How long have I been out?"

"A couple of hours." His expression brooding.

The way he eyed her, made her stomach tie into a tight knot. Squaring her shoulders, she untangled her legs. Dropped them to the floor. Stood. Suddenly, he faced her.

"Back off!" She hissed.

The hairs on her arms rose and she rubbed them down before she tried to push pass him. He took her wrist, pressed it to his nose, and inhaled.

"You smell different." He commented.

"What? Don't be absurd!"

Twisting made his iron grip imprison her even more. Again, she tried but failed. After another attempt, he let go. Scowling at him, she rubbed her bruised skin. He walked passed and went to stand in front of the fireplace.

She turned. "What do you mean by I smell different? I showered."

He laughed without emotion. "I'm a vampire," he said without the need to inform her he was a supernova.


"What do we hunt with?"

"Oh." Her eyes widened when realization hit. Uncomfortable, she backed away and bumped into the coffee table.

He spun around and pinned her with his eyes. His chest muscles flexed. Instinctively she backed in the direction of the door. He leaped towards her. Shit, wrong move!

Her eyes closed and she braced herself for impact. Held her breath. Rigged, she waited – waited - waited. Nothing. One eye opened slowly. He stood in front of her. Opening the other, she lifted her head. Your eyes seem different. Taking a step back.

His primal instinct kicked in. He grabbed her wrists. Hissed when she tensed. "Do you think I would hurt you?"

Trying to pull away from him made him tightened his grip. Her eyes blazed. "Let me go!" She squealed.

He ignored it. Lowered his face. Pressed his nose to her curly hair and inhaled deeply. Committing her scent to memory.

"Now I can find you anywhere." he said and released her suddenly. Shivering, she stumbled back. He frowned at her fearful expression. Unable to control his desire to be near her, he reached and pulled her closer again. "I thought I'd lost you." he said and wrapped his arms around her trembling body.

A spine-chilling growl erupted from somewhere in the house. They jumped, each taking on a protective stance.

"What was that?" She whispered.

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