Chapter 60

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Cars, pedestrians, hooters, noisy banter, music, cutlery, and crockery bombarded Alex's senses as soon as they stabilized. Her eyes flew open. Are we in an alley? Old buildings rose on either side of them in the small passage.

"It's OK. You can open your eyes." Alex said.

"Did we make it?" Leona asked worried.

"I don't know." She frowned. "Have you ever been here before?" Leona shook her head. "Great."

"Oh, we are in Paris alright," he said, self-assured.

"Are you sure?" She asked eyeing him unsure. "Your eyes aren't even open."

He breathed deep. "The scent of expensive perfume on a woman's body." He commented and his eyes drifted open. "Delicious."

Disgusted, she glared at him. "Is that all you can think about?"

He grinned. "When was the last time you had some?"

"None of your beeswax." Alex growled.

"Sharing is caring." He teased. Smack! Leona swatted his arm. "Hey, what was that for?"

"Let your sister be."

"Wait here," Alex ordered, starting towards the entrance.

"Where are you going?" He growled.

She glanced over her shoulder. "I am going to check where we are."

"I told you we are in Paris!"

"It wouldn't hurt to check. Besides, I have to see how easy it will be to just walk out and blend with the crowd."

"She's got a point." Leona said, repacking. "We don't want to draw unnecessary attention."

"Fine, but be careful."

"Aye-aye captain." She saluted.

"Quit playing!" He snapped. "And get a move on. We don't have all night."

"It's good to see Cape Town is still with us." She muttered.


"Nothing." she said, hurrying to the front.

Sticking to the shadows, she moved silently. Calculating each step as she navigated her way over rubbish. Eew! Will need to take a bath after this.

Reaching the entrance, she sneaked a peek around the buildings edge. Street lamps cast dim lights onto the sidewalk as the sun finally faded to make way for the moon. Cars drove passed with distracted drivers and passengers. Pedestrians walked by, eyes glued to their mobile devices. Shouldn't be too difficult. She motioned for them to join her.

"This is definitely Paris." she said when they reached her.

"I told you..."

"Yes, you did. I had to be sure, I am sorry."

"Wait, did you just apologize?" he asked stunned.

"I did." she replied while waiting for an opportunity to ease into the night crowd.

He touched her forehead. "I better get you to the hospital."

Smack! She slapped his hand. "Later, I first have to find accommodation." She saw an opportunity. Immediately, she started to walk. "Stay here, I will be back soon."

"Hold it!" He pulled her up short. "Where do you think you are going?"

"We need a place to stay."

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