Chapter 25

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Alex slept most of the day and woke still tired late in the afternoon. Yawning, she stood, stretching. The air had turned chilly. Her body ached a little and she decided to take a hot bubble bath. Got dressed and went in search of food.

When she entered the kitchen. The last light of the sun's rays came through the glass panels. The view down to the beach was clear. Pine tree tops resembled a deep green carpet. Switching the kettle on, she rummage through the grocery cupboard for rusks. Found them, made coffee and sat down at the breakfast nook. Tore the package, picked the biggest one, and dunked it. Turning the soaked side up, she bit the tip-off.

"I see you still like coffee," Diane said. Ugha-Ugha, she choked startled. "Careful, we don't want you dead yet," and slapped her on the back.

"Go away!" She hissed.

"Can't do that."

Dunking the rest of the rusk vigorously. Coffee splattered over the table. Popping it into her mouth, she chewed and swallowed. Diane came to sit in front of her.

Taking a careful sip. "What do you want?" she asked in a harsh tone.

Glancing around the room. "You."

"Forget it!" Glaring at her, she blinked. "Your eyes are red."

"I am back on freshies." she said bored. Alex frowned. "Human blood."

Pulling a disgusted face, she shifted in her seat. Diane laughed. Taking another rusk, she finished it as slowly as possible. Liquid ran down her hand and she licked it.

"Aren't you interested in what I want?" Diane asked surprised.

"Nope." Getting up, she emptied the last bit of liquid in her mug, before putting it in the dishwasher.

"Oh, come now," her patience wearing thin, "I know you better than that." Alex took a dishcloth and began to clean the table. Grabbing her arm when she tried to pass. "Don't try my patience."

Yanking free, she glared. "Please leave!"

Getting up, she got into her face. "What are you going to do, little human?"

Folding her arms across her chest. "I'd leave if I were you, before Miguel finds you here."

Her eyes darted around the kitchen. "He's still here?"

"He never left," she informed the other. "Did you really think my father would leave me unprotected?"

She started to back towards one of the entrances just as Danny came through the door. Fascinated, she watched them circle each other. Hissing, he lunged for her. Diane moved too quickly for him, disappearing like a ghost. Without hesitation, he pursued. Bang! Kitchen doors swung open and ten vampires piled in led by Arianna.

"Geez! Clamping her hands over her ears. "Be careful."

"Are you OK?" Arianna studied Alex intently. She nodded.

"How did she get in?" Miguel asked angry.

"Same way I always snuck out," she answered casually without thinking.

Astounded they stared at each other, then her. "Are there many of these escape routes on the premises?" His brows arched.

"No, just one," she admitted, opened her mouth to speak then clamped it shut. Oh, hell now I have done it, she thought a little panicked.

"And are you going to show us?" she asked annoyed.

Keeping herself busy wiping the table.

"Alexandra!" He roared.

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