Chapter 53

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Girrr! The bus driver changed gears, reducing speed.

Alex woke with a start. "How long did I sleep?"

"Thirty minutes." Leona answered.

Alex rubbed her eyes, yawning, she stretched. Late afternoon sun filled the vehicle. Voices hummed around them. She looked at her companion. Dark curly hair, olive complexion, brown eyes, classic Spanish features. Then at the rest. Most had the same features, but a few were fair. I miss home with its diversity.

Alex stared out the window. The driver manoeuvred skilfully through congested traffic. Modern suburbs and building appeared first. Cars rushed by, swerving in and out of lanes, and disappeared.

Hoot! The driver blew the horn. "Idiot!"

Alex smiled. Traffic. They were getting closer to the centre. The architecture changed to an old world charm.

Leona pushed the overhead button and stood. "Let's go."

"Where are we?" Alex asked as she followed her.

"Plaza del sol." She hurried to disembark.

Alex tried to stick close once they were off the bus, but she moved too quickly and the youthful crowd swallowed her. Disoriented, she scanned for Leona, but in vain. What now? Panic rose. Someone took her hand.

"Stick close." Leona said as she took Alex's hand, dragging her along.

People milled around them, bumping into her. Alex tripped over her own feet a couple of times before they stopped in front of a street café on the outside of the mall.

"We eat. You need strength for travel."

Alex groaned. "No teleporting. I will take the ferry, thank you very much."

"No argue." Leona said sitting at a table. "You eat. Brother in trouble."

"How do you know...?"

"He not...," she rolled her eyes in search of the right words, "take change well."

"Buenos dais." A waiter greeted, lighting a hurricane lamp. Placing menus on the table, he asked, "Would you like to drink something before you order?"

"We will have grape juice and toasted cheese and tomato sandwiches with chips."

"Anything else?" he asked while writing down.

"Yes, the bill, we are in a hurry." He left and Leona turned her attention to Alex. Her eyes widened. "Sorry, I rude, not ask what you like."

"Relax, your order is fine."

"We not wait till morning, he not make it." leona continued as if nothing interrupted their conversation earlier.

Her whole body tied into knots. Poor Xander. Tears of frustration filled her eyes.

Leona touched her hand. "Not worry," she tried to comfort, "we teleport."

"I hate being in this situation!" Alex's voice broke.

"Your food." The waiter said, placing the bill, drinks and food on the table.

Alex quickly turned her head. Wiped at tears with her backhand. Rubbing them on her jeans, she looked back at her plate. Her appetite gone.

"Eat!" Leona instructed. "You need strength." She took her glass, downing the juice. "You prefer blood?"

Alex's eyes whipped up. Disbelief playing in her blue depths. "NO!" She grabbed a piece of bread, chomping on it.

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