Chapter 49

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Her eyes popped open. Twelve middle-aged men sat in beautifully sculpted star sign chairs. Seated from eldest to youngest. Each dress according to the colour associated with their sign. Their pale marble like skin shimmered in the hundreds of candles in the throne room. White long hair hung over their shoulders.

Silence fell like a pin. Twelve pairs of red eyes stared, stunned. The next moment, confusion broke out. Cavaliers hissed at the sight of the wolves, storming in their direction.

"A-a-aha." Her index finger wagged. They stopped uncertain. "Keep your distance." Five kept advancing slowly. "Are you deaf?" Her one fist light up. "I hear you are not so fond of fire," she teased and they froze in place. "Let's play nice, shall we?"

The elders eyed her curious. "She has your fire, Aries," one of his brother said.

"Don't be ridiculous, Libra!" Aries snapped.

"Come closer child." Libra invited.

"My name is Alex and I think I will stay here."

"It wasn't a request!" Another's voice boomed.

The ground shook before moving towards them. Alex focused on it. It looked like two waves hit each other, redirecting back to the sender. It increased speed, split in twelve different directions and stopped at their feet. An audible united gasped reverberated through the room.

"Scorpio, I think you have met your match," Libra teased as he got to his feet.

"Where are you going?" Capricorn, the eldest demanded.

"To examine her, of course." He informed him casually. "You would not deny me such a rare opportunity, would you?"

"She is dangerous!" Capricorn snapped.

"Oh come, brother," he continued towards her. Cavaliers shadowed him, but he shooed them away. "Don't be imprudent!" He reprimanded. "She's not stupid, she won't harm me." He stated the obvious. "Don't fret my dear." He soothed. "I just want to ascertain if what I suspect is true."

Alex tensed. "Hold your ground." She warned her companions. What does he want? "No funny business!"

He reached her. "Of course not," he stretched his hand towards her face. Alex reeled back. He stopped. "May I?"

She eyed him guarded. "May you what?"

"Touch your face?"

Frowning. What did I read about his gift? She nodded. The instant his skin touched hers, she knew. Shit! "You won't tell them everything?" She whispered, blushing.

He winked. "Your secrets are safe with me." Images, memories, and emotions hit him. They both jerked. He laughed, cried, gasped, and frowned. Eventually, his hands dropped exhausted. "We have nothing to fear." He spoke aloud. "She might be our greatest asset yet." You look so much like her. He wanted to say, but kept quiet. Instead returned to his throne assisted by his guard.

"What did it feel like?" Isabella asked in a whisper.

Alex leaned closer. "Weird. My whole life flashed before my eyes."


She chuckled. "Very."

"We have much to discuss," Libra told his brothers. Motioning for cardinals to come closer. "Please escort our guests to their quarters."

Alex frowned. Something was up. This is too easy. Focusing her mind. Please let me hear their thoughts. Russian mental babble hit her hard. Her knees buckled and she moaned softly.

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